Friday, October 5, 2012

Renaissance Arising by Cliff Humphrey

     RENAISSANCE, a renewal 

             of life and vigor,
              our interest in all things 
              restored, a rebirth
              a revival; a moral 
              renaissance of, by and for 
              the people, it is 
          ARISING now: to spring up,
              awaken, originate, and 
              ascend, a renewal.
People have gathered over the ages to hear the stories. Those tales and songs have raised spirits and supplied hope anew. A Renaissance Arising is to be our story of these troubled times; how all the people stood up, and together they worked it all out!
Renaissance Arising can be understood as joining with and encouraging all existing intentions to put a more compassionate, kinder civilization in place upon this planet. Many current efforts have already marked the beginning of this historical development. 
This manuscript is an appeal, perhaps it is more of a letter than a book. I’m hoping you read it with a certain attitude, a curiosity of just what is it that I see, to proceed in such a way. What I sense all about me now are those things to be felt, not measured or named. Proceed slowly, let what will rise up to meet you here, in this space we will share.
The manuscript is now in seven parts. The first is The Call. These are the best words I have now for my calling of forty some years. This is the third time I have called out to whomever might hear.
The second offers a place to start the process of stepping out anew. We can begin again. We are forgiven and blessed automatically when we do so. We all have many gifts to deliver.
Part three suggests preparation, to be able to speak to your desires, intentions, and beliefs. Your illuminations are valuable, they are needed now. We will soon hear ourselves speaking with a new clarity about our world and the visions of what we would prefer.
The forth part demonstrates how a Renaissance would weave itself into our Societies and produce a network of interrelated, and mutually supportive global cultures. All of these examples may be surpassed by what is actually manifested. 
Global Stewardship is next, and is the focus of it all. This section begins to outline where the thumb nail sketches of Part four could lead us. We are indeed headed for a makeover; just when is the question. 
The sixth Part takes a look at the ways you can contribute, the ‘slots’ available to you. The intention is to bring the Renaissance closer to you, “I could do that.” Some will find a paid position as we go forward, all will experience the chance to contribute for hours or years, to a most remarkable period.
Part seven is called, The Work of it. The work for each of us will become obviouse, and it will be a joy. It will be done within the Great Love that is available to each one of us. To live and laugh, to smile and sing within this Love is to become the In house Culture; to become as universal as a babies cooing.

Note to readers: I have devised my own system of placing emphasis on some words. I have used italics, ‘single quote marks,and, “regular quotes,” to establish a rhythm of emphasis, for things that have been said, and those things soon to be said. Please comment. In some cases references are still being researched. 
Renaissance Arising

Part One, The Call
A call to meditate, to consider, and reflect. What is stirring deep within you? We have been taught to believe in certain things, and behave in certain ways. We are called to step back, and examine them anew.
We, the people of Earth, now stand as one, wondering what is coming next. We are in the wheelhouse upon the river of change. Where do we want to go? How would you like it to be, like it to feel? 
Have you ever been a midwife before? You are now. You and all of us who have pushed the pause button and thought, there has to be a better way. Yes, their is. We have a birth to watch over.
Some of us are, in essence, forming into two long lines standing shoulder to shoulder and facing each other, ignoring the commotion around us, ready to receive the new, and see that it glides gently and softly into place, into the future world of a loving harmonious diversity of healthy humanity.
Just by reading these pages you are part of this process, regardless of your 
response to them. You and everyone else are putting their personal spices into the soup we all live by. Everyone is part of this process, regardless of their station in life. Those who sit at polished walnut conference tables . . . or those who eat down by the tracks . . .  those refuges who ring a fire in the desert or the mountains . . . even that family on the move, resting in a war blackened building . . . all are equal.
It could be put this way, this is a call from the top of the mountain, the one with a long distance view, calling for a major rethink, which will result in a Global makeover. The main thing is that we look forward with loving anticipation of sitting at the table of humanity, and eating together as the Family we are.
As I have chosen this spot on the Village Square to speak from, it is proper that I explain myself to one and all. My qualifications are simple; I am one of those who see a better world just around the bend. 
Our world is sprinkled with positive changes and good deeds. Many have said, “I will do just that!” Now we see a blooming of the new, from the ‘slow food’ campaign of French origin, through those now required larger dress sizes in Buenos Aires, remember the amnesty and forgiveness in South Africa, new hybrid automobile choices, don’t forget all those “random acts of kindness” as well as the paying it forward, again and again. 
I say a Renaissance is Arising! Let us stand arm in arm and welcome it, contribute to it’s wonders and celebrate it’s arrival! 
Many have learned that we are as fragile as we are tough. There is a hug for you here beside me, and one for you way over there, as well as you down under, as we turn and pause to contemplate this possibility of a worldwide makeover. I find it very interesting that music is leading the way, marking the rise of kindness and compassion, and championing our ability to receive and give Love. 
We poses everything we need to do this. Academically we know, spiritually we know, and we have the time. Present difficulties are only restrictions we have placed upon ourselves. We are all in our places, all of equal importance, that is our bond, our humanity.
What is offered here is only one little part of the call to Peace that has and is being issued, by the thousands over decades. My objective now is the Global recognition of this particular moment of common focus.
We have a tremendous potential right now, even miraculous; this moment offers the chance to line up all the pieces, to assemble a Global response. We need a bit of this, and that, and some of those, all on a grand scale. The ingredients for our Renaissance Elixir are carried by everyone. 
The following points of contemplation are offered as clues, for you to find and release your unique seeds of hope. We can manifest this future of our dreams. Many have been at it for years, they have known that others will join them. There is no telling who will rise next to speak or act.
A Formula For Success  
Many years ago this formula popped into view as I was contemplating what could be done to change the culture, move it into ecological alignment. At that particular moment I was enjoying a powdered sugar doughnut in Weed California, only a few miles from Mt. Shasta. I remember staring at the summit, and giving thanks. It goes:
“Restoring, rebuilding and reconciliation, all squared, equals peace and prosperity for everyone.”
When it was finally written down for the first time; it was not only the answer to my original question, it was the answer for me, a world at peace and a wold in ecological balance! Now I can see that the process of following this formula would be called a renaissance, Renaissance Arising. TheTLC’ was added this year. (See note four, page 106, Formula. ) 
This vision has been held close, knowing that someday I would do more than occasionally share it in a workshop. Now is the time, as this notion of a Renaissance has risen within me. These hundred plus pages can be stated as this formula, it reads; Three R squared, plus TLC equals Two P, over E, and it is shown as:
                                      3R Squared + TLC= 2P 
The three R squared stands for all the Re words that are so important for this Global makeover, from reconciliation and rebuilding to recodification, and of course responsibility. Add in some Tender Loving Care and you have it. Any nine of these renaissance words form a powerful chord, and once mixed with tender loving care their vibration will contribute mightily to the peace and prosperity of everyone. Once we identify our priorities and apply ourselves to them we will manifest our chosen future. 
Global success will come from our being of a united focus. This formula, and others yet to arrive around the world, will serve to unite us and focus our attention on both the interconnectedness of the Global work as well as the internal harmony of the entire Renaissance Team.
Here in the States I envision something equal to combining the efforts of our depression era W.P.A., the Civilian Conservation Corp, and the Peace Corp along with today’s Americore, and then doubling that total effort. 
What would it be like if one person in five were involved in such restorative projects? There is much repair work to be done. Top to bottom, things have to be sorted out and put back in place; as well as building new elements of futuristic infrastructure that will reduce our ignorant and greedy footprints.
This formula for success speaks to the vast array of tasks to be accomplished and it demonstrates how we can all sit in the same boat and row in the same basic direction. Can you imagine what that would feel like? To know that millions of us are working for the future of our dreams, this very minute? 
This is happening right now; we are just not in the habit of seeing it that way. We are in the habit of seeing volunteer work and charity causes as a normal result of the way our societies function. Do you think that food banks and street repair are the same kind of normal maintenance? Thousands are already at work on the makeover, they have so voted with their money and time for a new day, they are healing, repairing, painting and building anew parts of our new home as you read this.
This formula represents the Global makeover and offers a universal point of focus, watch for those “Re words” to show up. Listen for your cue. And of course, someone still has to hoe the beans.
Current Affairs 
A new plan is needed, a bold and galvanizing new idea, where everyone will have a constructive role. What about a plan that champions diversity and harmony? 
This is what philharmonic orchestras do. We could make such music if only we would. Everyone has to back off a bit, surrender a little, yield to the flow. America is not down for the count; a signal has been given that the primitive age of exploitation of both resources and people is over. The old profit driven model that states, “Our progress comes from economic growth” has been shown to be bankrupt, and the pieces are falling in upon us. 
We shall emerge anew from the rubble of greed and complacency. America is again called upon to lead. 
There is one very tragic and fear driven conflict that has taken center stage. Most are now standing back watching dreams of an Islamist Theocracy battle it out with who some call Mr. Monopoly. However, these two “sides” don’t represent everyone. Those who can duck around the corner and lead almost normal lives are doing so. 
Fighting breeds more fighters, that is true. No one is born a terrorist, they are developed. They have been exposed to such fear and hatred that they will martyr themselves. Within the resolution of any conflict, the first step is to find the humanity within. When this is done, we then see how the conflict is to be resolved.
In the past we quite naturally focused our efforts on one conflict at a time, isolated from the whole. By bringing them together we can create a new nexus, a fresh point of Global focus, a wide view of all issues, see how they are related, through time and space; to turn the page, and place the survival of all life squarely before us. This Renaissance has to do with the energy that powers the universally desired fountainhead of hope and rejuvenation.
Our Global family now features an expanding population of individuals who understand the power of positive thinking, the miracles of prayer, meditation and visualization, . . . and projecting ahead the feelings of joy that will mark our success. These individuals are building a vigorous Global tranquility. “Saws and hammers by day, music and dancing in the streets by night!” Indeed, indeed. Yes, we shall live at peace with ourselves, each other and the Earth. (See note five, page 106, Dancing in the Streets.)
A Fresh Look
Do you remember the Dawning of Aquarius? A new age to last two thousand years, “Make love, not war.” The shift from the Piscean Age to Aquarius will be, is, and has been, very dramatic. We can see the rise of widespread desire for equality in revolutions of all kinds, within the dramatic emergence of all things feminine; and the collapse of centralized authority.
Church scandals and world wide political chaos now, the assassinations of President Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Attorney General Bobby Kennedy years ago; all can be seen as expressing this painful shift between the Age of Pisces, sacrifice and obedience, into the age of Aquarius, knowledge and liberation. Sometimes fear and hatred comes as a mob, sometimes as a single bullet. (See note six, page 106, assassinations.) 
America sat stunned and silent for a while. We did hear the music and the speeches, we did march in the streets, we have celebrated their lives for many years. We did suit up for a later emergence. The New Age did take shape within us, it did grow, and the bloom is on the way. There is a restlessness in the air, impatience with the old status quo. New colors abound, and small businesses are sprouting forth everywhere. 
It’s time for a fresh look. Look at the tipping points that we have reached; health, nutrition, and going green. No longer is, “Too big to fail” an acceptable Corporate strategy. Prestige will now come from how well the job is done, not how big the profit. The seedbed has been prepared, perhaps for you to plant a small and local, service focused enterprise. 
You are being presented with a number of ideas for a fresh look; as well as implicit questions for your consideration. Your dwelling on these things will be as prayers, within the Religion of your choice. You may choose to turn inward to the source of all there is, or go to Global Mind, for a view of such a Renaissance of Life on Earth.
We have been assembled in the classroom, and faced with a multiple choice exam about our future. These choices can be called the A B C’s of the twenty-first century. Option A is choosing more of what we have already had in the past. Option B would be deciding to go for what are the most likely political, financial and cultural reforms under present conditions. I believe this option falls way short of what is necessary and desired.
Option C is selecting a Global makeover, this choice is now within our reach for several reasons. First of all, the worldwide economic anxiety we share assures we are ready to listen, ready to learn what is going on over there. Furthermore, the widespread release of resentment, fear and even hatred, at being taken for granted and shorted financially by those able to do so, reforms are now possible. 
Ranking in third place would be our long standing desire to restore and protect our planet’s life support system; from oceans and forests to wheat fields and vineyards, offers an alliance for a makeover.
The final reason is that we simply can’t maintain the trajectory of wars and more wars. We cannot simultaneously maintain our civilizations and preserve our sense of humanity, nor maintain our integrity. The fear and guilt, the cost in death and destroyed lives, in national treasure and misdirected resources is simply too great to continue. When can we say we have fought to a draw, we have a planet at risk to take care of. We know this in our heart of hearts. 
These are the four main drivers of the shift now upon us. Do we pick up brooms and shovels? Reconciliation, reclamation, and reconstruction calls us forward to a new Age. Many are galvanized into action by the continuing effects of the financial shakeout; we are evaluating our needs, and releasing our wants. Who will do what next? The world is listening for news of our recovery, now is a rare moment. The stage is under repair, who will mount the next big show? 
In any case, we are headed for a new game plan. You can bet the farm on that. As of, say 2004 we would have gone with option B, the first cousin of the old plan, featuring the same basic goal of rapid economic growth with strong profits, with an improved flow of ‘trickle down.’ More is desired, much more. People everywhere want to live a full life as a whole person. That day will come when we are simply not making any more bombs or tanks. All the people of this world will soon sleep without fear of the front door being smashed in by invaders or the secret police.
By changing existing mindsets, creating a new nexus, we advance the possible solutions from barely acceptable alternatives, to miraculous manifestations. We do know how. I am suggesting we work together to fully develop option C, and move it on out into place in our fields, homes and cities. 
Think about it, make a list, what does the future of your dreams look like? How would you like to feel? Can you conjure up images of yourself engaged in your most rewarding activities? What is your vision? Combine them all to form the definition of our humanity.
The View From Missouri
Living in Liberty Missouri, in the ‘Show Me State,' now gives me the chance to say, “The Missouri Mule is waiting,” for us to get it together. This slogan serves as a metaphor for the waiting it out that we are all participating in. Rethinking is hard. The Rebuilding will be the easy part. 
It is important to realize going in, that by definition we are not going to realize the future of our dreams by just doing more of what brought us to our present juncture. 
We are seemingly waiting for new instructions, person by person. First, a little humility is called for. We have learned to drape ourselves with comforting beliefs, some more useful than others. The warmest of these ‘blankets’ deals with who we are, individually, each one of us has our own favorite blanket that defines us within our conscious minds, and before our families and friends. 
Our individual behavior, past and present, reflects who we believe we are. Our world reflects the results. Assuming changes are desired all around, we need new blankets. The changes that are necessary to achieve Option C will challenge some of these comforting beliefs that serve to hold us on the old course, that old decision path that has resulted in todays existing conditions.
That Missouri Mule is waiting for us to take responsibility for our actions. Energy consumption for example, let us consider cars and food. All of a sudden we all come to know that Detroit has been producing gas guzzling dinosaurs for cars! Hey, they made ‘em because we bought ‘em! It’s like, “Who’s on first?” with the advertisers, consumers and manufactures. Lighten up, and think it through. We loved our highway cruisers, every Great Uncle should have one to show the kids.
At one time not too long ago, everybody “on board” so to speak, ate locally without any packaging or refrigeration or shipping. Of course we have enjoyed our new options, more choices and more flavors; and that brings us to a bench on this trail of discovery. 
Have a seat and consider, “How does my life fit me? Does it rub me the wrong way? and, “Where is it taking me?” 
What would be extremely rewarding for you to achieve? For now, read on and see what is next. However, that mule won’t pull your wagon until you do this, until your actions reflect your desires and feelings, your path revealed.

Household Choices
Two very important words represent the major challenge to our future. They  are economics and ecology. Just about every decision before us now and for years to come will deal with one or both of these words. They share a Greek ancestry.
Oikos means household, it translates to the eco of both economics and ecology. These two most basic words mean household management and knowledge respectively. These ‘household twins’ shape your life now and they will define the major dimensions of the Global makeover.
World wide trade and commerce in the days of clippers and schooners spawned our modern economies without any knowledge of ecological principles. While our modern profit driven practices were seriously out of balance in the 1970s, we have moved on to destroying some of the components of our planets biosphere. This is the zone of Life, from deep in the sea to the top of the clouds. The average thickness is about ten miles, relative to a fraction of an eggshells thickness.
We are challenged to plan ahead as never before. Our household includes where and how we live, from our home and its appliances, to our workplace, recreation and vacations. We are faced with household choices throughout society such as; should remaining open land be utilized for wildlife habitat, or cattle, goat, and sheep grazing, or solar energy farms? Repair the bridges or restore the marshes? Schools or senior facilities? 
The ‘oikos twins’ point out that the earth is only partly a stage, upon which to feature an economy. The earth is first and foremost a living household that sustains all life. We have now come face o face with the Oikos Challenge.
Renaissance Arising explicitly calls for a new economy, one that recognizes the ecological processes that provides for our well-being, and a place where all people can have a life beyond toil and bills. The Oikos Challenge starts by pointing out that our home world’s carrying capacity is limited; how many people can we house, feed, educate, and provide health care for? In how modern of cities, and living in how luxurious of homes? 
Economists tell us the real cost of anything is calculated by the value of the alternatives foregone. Build one aircraft carrier and you have lost ten hospitals, and dozens of, clinics, churches or libraries. It is up to us to decide what we desire the mix to be, rather than continue with expansive business as usual.
Excellent projects in exactly the right places are called for as human civilization approaches “build out,” just as we are learning to focus on sustainability. This is easy to see if you imagine the family farm with a variety of animals and crops. Then, the in-laws need housing, put in an RV Park for winter income, lease some land for billboards, sell off unused water rights, and build a pump station for the new solids pipeline. What happened to the farm?
We need to pause and ask wise questions. We have been in such a rush, unable to look ahead, just who's job is it to ask those questions? In earlier times the Council of Chiefs asked, and then spoke to such questions as deemed worthy of contemplation. Today many wave answers about, but it is the correct questions that will help us the most, they will illustrate the pathways and the opportunities before us. 
This kind of realignment may seem harsh; however it is the coming of age for Earth. It is this ultimate eventuality that binds us, to finally share what is here, on this wild, jaw dropping ride we find ourselves upon. The time has come to leave the primitive age of discovery and exploitation behind. In how many ways can we show our love and appreciation for what is of this Earth?   (See note 7, page 107, oikos twins.
Breaking Out
The best example of the “breaking out” that I speaking of is within the academic work of Dr. Pitrim Sorokin, a pioneering sociologist.
He wrote of a “spontaneous manifestation of altruism,” as a normal part of cyclic cultural development. He saw it in the past and he expected it to occur again. (See note 8, page 107, Altruism.
A ‘breaking out’ of renaissance scale will not be planned or manageable. It will involve all segments of society. It may look and feel like chaos to some. It will be an organic happening. Precursors have been duly noted, consider the spread and spontaneity of paying it forward and green shopping bags; as well as the arrival of electric cars and fuel cells, harbingers of a new age. 
Have not you read of individuals taking on special projects to heal, preserve and create? More will soon be noted as we go forward. Many individuals now find themselves doing the unthinkable of last year. You know what some of them are. Workers taking pay cuts to share the funds available. Adults doing unpaid internships, and pilots camping in the parking lot of the Los Angeles International Airport! 
Speak to all your clerks, from grocery store to gas station, they are the ones that serve you the slices of your life, offer respect and kindness, and perhaps even discuss both the good and the inadequate parts of what is being offered and bought. How many first names do you have? We all need our identity. That’s a start, seeing one another as unique individuals, and yet very similar to ourselves. What is within your reach each day? The average piece of litter is seen hundreds of times, pick it up and be connected to the showing of our Global humanity. You can feel it. If you are stared at, take a bow, or ask if they could, “Get that one over there?” Break loose!
Breaking out can be slow or fast. Some have started new projects that involve hundreds of people, sometimes reaching overseas. Say you want to work with animals, then walk the dogs and play with the cats at a shelter. Talk with whom you meet there. Listen to what you say. Watch for additional opportunities. Perhaps a friend will come along with you. 
Voting in a Democracy is the least of it. Have you ever called on an elected official? Have you ever attended a hearing? Gone to a trial? Looked over the hallways of schools and colleges? Priced your casket yet? Break loose!
Most of us are busy behaving while others are being bulldozed. Do you need some TLC? Then give some, it will come back. Listen for your cue. Your Angels are standing by, ready to help you.
The Road Ahead
Let us stand together and look ahead, what will be playing on, “The Home World Show,” next year? What about in ten years? Let’s just see what we can come up with. This show is starting to shape up, as many have been writing, speaking, organizing, protesting, praying, meditating and visualizing for its manifestation. 
This show will rise within the expectation of increasing peacefulness and prosperity. Cynical attitudes will be replaced by cautious optimism. Talk of good news will join the casual conversations of weather, health and family. The buzz on your street is changing.
It will become the stated basic desire to feed, house and heal all the people of this earth. Many are moving to this goal now, and more will join in. We will find ourselves doing what we can with our skills and the resources that are available to us now. 
Businesses and corporations will do what they can, some have started already. Projects will be undertaken; platoons of employees will implement them. Shops will be used by volunteers to create needed items outside the market economy. Examples would be the new fuel efficient hand made forest stoves, as well as water pumps, wind turbines, and solar panels, composting bins and water barrels. All of such devices are, ‘Survival Appliances.’ (See note nine, page 108, Survival Appliances.) 
*Individual initiative will lead the way with local projects and Internet link ups.
*Governments will follow along at first, then lead with diplomatic initiatives of all kinds. 
*The total number of military aircraft in the sky, worldwide at any one moment will steadily decline. 
*Troops will come home; some will be retrained for duty with the Global Makeover. 
*Blueprints for the next generation of bombs and destroyers will be put away. 
*Earth stewardship will take center stage. Biodiversity will be protected. Water supplies will be shared. Limits to urban expansion will be set.
*The gulf between Wall Street and Main Street will be reduced. Fair play will replace, “Whatever you can get away with.” 
*A sustainable, steady state economy will be implemented. 
Each one of us will be confronted with new choices, as well as taking responsibility for our actions. You will probably find yourself wondering why we didn’t do this sooner. Is there someone on your block who has been hit really hard by this ‘selective depression’ who needs a hand, find out how you can help them. You may have knowledge or a connection or resources that would be of tremendous value to them.
One more thing
Your Contemplation of a Modern Day Renaissance will soon enough turn towards actions, however there is one more thing for now. This consideration is given to you to hold and consider as you read on. 
Forty years of pondering have finally yielded a simple and quite astonishing reason why we have persisted in heaping abuse upon our planet, upon our very own life support system. Simply put, our cleverness and our inventions have outpaced our ability to anticipate and manage future implications; this disjuncture is reflected in our DNA. One could ask, are we Biologically fit to live with ourselves?
In our Prehistoric cave dwelling days, new developments, with spear throwers or fire starting techniques for example, such developments stayed local and gave status to the originator. Then these improvements spread slowly. In other regions with different resources they were found to be less or even more desirable. These improvements were by now the new normal at the place of origin, however there was no feedback loop from experience elsewhere.
Can an Evolutionary Biologist or Developmental Anthropologist help
make the case that we grew up with inventive cleverness, abilities that became favored in our DNA, while there was nothing added in regarding how it worked out over hundreds of years of application? At this moment we stand as clever originators, striving for accolades from the group, today or next month at the latest, with no natural, inbred compunction to consider future results. 
This insight has drawn in two formerly unrelated tidbits. Margaret Mead once talked of our becoming the “Humanes,” when we grew up. Other writers have also made predictions of what our new name would be in the future. The second ‘tidbit’ was a memory of the Comic Strip, Pogo, who famously said, “We have met the enemy and it is us.” Was this Pogo’s creator, Walter Kelley’s way of saying, “It’s time to grow up?” (See note ten, page 108, Pogo. )
We can see now that there was a moment some forty years ago when the understanding was almost common knowledge that we have outpaced the normal protections that are afforded to animals by biological evolution.
Our survival is to be assured through consciously manifesting the transformation of our cultures; managing our cultural evolution for our survival.
We are challenged to learn and look ahead; to put conscious processes in place, to select with great care and wisdom our path into the future. Those with the most power at their fingertips seem the least likely to understand our free will that we were born with. Much to explore here later by others, you and me, as well as theologians through philosophers; politicians to be dragged along.
You may have come across articles that talk about how our brains are “hardwired.” These articles indeed point out the fertile ground for a new field of academics,“Nuero-sociology” perhaps, looking into how we may have leaped into our future, “Unprepared?” Could it be, that we have in effect, called ourselves out? Are we being challenged right now to go beyond being the Humans of old, to become the Humanes of tomorrow? 
(See note eleven, page 108, Humane.) 
hu-mane  1.  characterized by tenderness, compassion, sympathy for the distressed, kindhearted, benevolent.  --hu-mane'ly, adv.  -hu-mane'ness, n.
This is The Call within the Call. What is to be done? Do we have a Big 
Wrench to fix this with? No. Only about seven billion little ones. It is time to count our blessings and move forward with respect and Grace. 
It is becoming clear that we will soon be able to look back and group certain texts of songs, plays, documentaries and books as being parts of, “The Renaissance Teachings,” that have been, and will continue to be presented for some time to come. 
We can see this emerging within a collection of essays in Ecotherapy, edited by Buzzel and Chalquist, that describes the current rethinking of psychotherapy, with a nod to a walk in the woods, and from years ago we have Psycho-cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz as well as all New Thought literature. We are being pushed out of the nest . . . Pulled and pushed. (See note twelve, page 108, Maxwell Maltz
Perhaps all ‘grass roots’ movements have been attracted to, and energized by, the allure of moving out and beyond to new sensibilities, to a new view of what is the right thing to do, reaching for the new alignment, to take part in defining that new nexus. The Age of Aquarius is pulling us free. 
Consider ‘grass roots’ political campaigns, and perhaps games such as Dungeons and Dragons, along with similar computer games, that they have provided the excuse to move outward, those individuals have pulled away, and into a new alignment. Once such political campaigns are concluded, it becomes ‘all over’ and the issue focused action is folded back into the normal course of events. When the game is over, a rest is taken, and then the experience is repeated. 
A live Renaissance will capture that energy, and that is a shift that will continue, no end point in sight. We shall be shifting from human habits to actions and expectations of the humane. We shall learn to put our best foot forward, always asking, what is the Humane thing to do? As George Wald used to put it, “Is it good for the children?” (See note thirteen, page 108, Dr. George Wald.) 

For now, a tribute to an evolutionary past, for our bodies, our appetites and fight or flight, as for becoming the Humane Ones, that is up to each and every one of us, to look after our own health, control all our appetites, and to pause and decide if going ahead with this, or with that, is in fact a wise thing to do, in consultation with our respective core beliefs.
Part Two, Arising Now . . .
This section offers a place to start the process of stepping out anew. We can begin again. We are forgiven and blessed automatically when we do. 
(Notes are under construction from here on.)
At this Moment, Precursors abound
First, we have Queen Noor of Jordan continuing to build support for Global Zero. She was born Lisa Najeeb Halaby in Washington D.C.,1951 (See Wikipedia for Bio.) Two hundred world leaders including Presidents Jimmy Carter and Mikhail Gorbachev, as well as retired military brass from China, Russia, and America are working to remove all nuclear weapons from this earth. It may be that they sense the same shift that many others do, the world is coming to it’s senses, call it what you will. She is Blogging, Tweeting and Skyping to move Global Zero’s recommended twenty year plan along, to remove all nuclear weapons. 
A Sea Change of Renaissance proportions is necessary for this goal to become believable, and then finally for it to be publicly championed around the world as the right thing to do. (See note) 
Second, we have the use of “reinvigoration” by the Feds. That’s how they put it when they described recent efforts to make the Federal Trade Commission, the Labor Department, OSHA, the Department of Homeland Security, as well as the EPA and the FDA more responsible to the public it serves. 
The use of these RE words speaks to a desire to get back on course, to fulfill an expectation that is growing, perhaps a rush to get to where we know we are supposed to be. Look for RE words to show up in the news and even in advertisements. Let us reinvigorate our own expectations of what Tomorrow can bring.
For August I have two very unexpected precursors.
In the region of Catalonia Spain, bullfighting has been outlawed. “We have a responsibility that goes beyond the borders of Catalonia. It is a responsibility to civilization,” said Joan Puigcercos. The battle between Culture and Animal rights will continue, and their are other political flavors to it as well.
Then we have the story you probably saw, Billionaires signing the “Giving Pledge.” Go to Fifty people have pledged to give away half their wealth during their remaining years, and many more are expected. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are given credit for getting it rolling. (See note.)
It is reported as I sit here that Social Security just reached a Tipping Point, for the first time, funds out the door, surpassed the deductions coming in. Wow. It was expected on down the road, showed up early.
Extra, Extra! On August 10, 2001 I learned of, “B” corporations, as in, “Benefit,” for you and me. The old school S and C type corporations are bound by (as I understand it) their charters of incorporation to put the financial interests of shareholders above all else. “No funds available for a drive through recycling kiosk at the bank! Read the charter.” Well, their is a new kid on the block. In Maryland, then Vermont, and possibly soon to follow, in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey,Washington and Colorado it will be possible to do just that, or put up a sheet metal shop that would feature bringing into the shop volunteers to fabricate solar panels for local non-profits. These new companies would be incorporated to do this work, in business to do good things, with investors applauding! (See note.) 
Listen to the news with an ear for items that could have been led with the phrase, “And now from the Renaissance desk we have . . .” You will soon find your own favorite precursors to the arising Renaissance. 
Finding your own current examples can define your recognition of the ‘Renaissance Clan.’ Try it on for size, find yourself telling family and friends about these developments, use the words “Renaissance” and “precursor,” how hard is that? For some it may will be a stretch, we just have not allowed ourselves to believe it was going to get better any time soon. It is! 
Use What’s Available Now
As preferable options present themselves, support them. This applies to everything from reusable grocery bags and those incandescent light bulbs, through the food you eat. Shop local and eat as fresh as possible, read the ingredient labels on packaged foods, and of course watch for new recycling programs. Visit the showrooms of the new electric and hybrid cars, become conversant about them, have a favorite in mind. Talk it up, amp the buzz, shift the landscape.
Could you step up at work, say with the cartridge recycling program? Ask if you could help out, then talk to the individuals who change them. You will probably have to select a proper box to store them in before they are returned. The same challenge applies to all other recyclables; containers and space are required, businesses can make this work, and some are offering client and customer drop off recycling opportunities.

You may have a chance to take it to the next level, say your workplace is in an office park, perhaps office paper aggregates at your office, those cartridges go over to the Copy Shop and cardboard goes down the street to the grocery store, that has a bailer. Make the effort, show some progress. Others may join in and help out. Post recycling articles on the bulletin board. Even appeal to the boss for more support. Find out what other similar businesses are doing. You may find great comfort in becoming a worker bee, sorting out recyclables and dropping them off, you may prefer talking it up. 
Sometimes it may seem to be not worth it, a few newspapers and soda cans. In fact, you could say that the, “Getting it done” in the long term has little to do with the thirty pounds a week that is no longer being ‘trashed’. 
We, along with the magic of it, are affected negatively when we witness practices for which we know there is a better solution. Not completing the obvious better alternative is akin to suffering a failure, bit by bit, week after week. 
Some are callous or become so, reducing our ability to show kindness in other situations. The energy becomes sticky and hard to move through. Our inattention to such repetitive, even built in little failures, can be turned around so easily. Keep the issue open, do the best you can, be attentive to possible improvements over the long term. This applies to us average consumers as well as purchasing agents. Some are buying by the ton or truckload. Watch for recovered, replenished, and recycled, everything from fertilizer to carpeting, and new “hardwood” flooring made with tires. (See note) 
Here are recent examples from my own life. I have a wheat, gluten sensitivity and found relief through buying gluten free bread and scone mixes through the mail, so when mixes showed up on the Natural Foods aisle at the market, I bought some immediately. When Betty Crocker first offered a Gluten Free chocolate cookie mix right along side the regular mixes, I bought one. When will we see those famous Macaroni and Cheese makers do the same? 
When we bought our manufactured home in Liberty Missouri there were two five gallon paint buckets of drained engine oil confronting me. Liberty does have a hazardous waste drive once a year, but I happened to know that one of the auto parts chains accepted used engine oil as a service, guess where I now buy all my auto supplies? Of course, one can choose to be cynical, and I have to say pouring that oil into the drum was difficult and messy, however it’s a start, a pioneering effort, shoulder to the wheel, that sort of thing.
This progressive mind set occasionally offers a two for one special. When you accept assistance at least two benefit and glow. Recently for us it was more like a 12 to 1 benefit ratio. It was hard for us to accept, and it had a glorious outcome. My Billie, with her artificial joints, was being processed for a power chair by our Doctor, then she happened to break a bone in her foot. The chair became an immediate necessity. 
A friend suggested Rebuilding Together in Liberty for assistance with building the now required ramp for the power chair. 
Twelve men, three boys and some proud Moms built our ramp in one day. For me it was an emotional and overwhelming end to my era of absolutely always carrying my own weight.
For the Golden Rule to work someone has to offer assistance, and someone has to accept. Most all of us are in the habit of politely stiff arming those who offer to help us out. I’m sure the psychology of it all would be interesting. Just accept, let the kindness live. Your turn to offer.
Speak Up!
When have you cheered at the movies? When someone achieved unpredictability. When they had a successful, “At bat.” We go back to the theater to be reminded that we can do it, that we can stand in there and take our best shot. Such moments are examples of Citizen Sainthood, achieved by that person who can leave the house looking for whatever is pitched their way, ready to swing away and do the unheard of.
“I saw the most amazing thing,” the onlookers will say. Some turn away and don’t take their swings. That is also portrayed in our movies and books. What are your favorite movie moments? Can you see them as, “At bats?
There are many ways to speak up. In one very important way they are all equal. At that very moment of decision to do the unpredictable, from snapping up a scrap of litter on your way into the 7-11, to deciding to sponser a micro loan in Morocco; your energy spikes, at that moment the Arising Renaissance just received a little push. 
Talk to someone about this, yes, what you are reading right now, it is so easy to rag on the car mechanic or ‘that clerk,’ why is it so hard to bring up good news about things on Earth getting better? Are we trained to ‘live in the dark’ in some profound way? Choose someone, even if you have to call long distance. It seems from my experience so far that talking up the good news is a challenge for some. This achievement is so important, it can be compared to launching our vessel upon the river of change, the wheelhouse soon to be occupied by dreamers and manifestors. 
Repeatedly in the papers, and on TV you have heard and read of hard times not spoken about until a certain point, then someone came forward, they had suffered enough. The Birth of the Makeover requires us to speak up about our desires for such changes as a Renaissance could bring. 
It is such an important thing, and it will warm your belly when you do. This process of bearing your soul, is the process of becoming authentic. You can pay hundreds of dollars for retreats that will help you do this. Talking to your friends and relatives about your heart’s desirers, or possibly a dark secret that is hanging on you, these will start you out just fine. 
Breath Some Fresh Air
Most of us are flat out busy. Our lives seem . . . beyond our control. After pausing for a while and going inside, starting to feel your way, the time will come to fully open the door to your involvement with the “Renaissance point of view.” Are you squared away? The Call of Part One says, literally, light it up. Without your energy brought out into view, you will sit by with a potential, it will help, however your possible contribution is so much more. “Hey man, what’s happening?” We are always looking about for what is going down. When you speak of the new, you will be breathing some very refreshing air, try it soon. 
This perspective will take you to new places, ready or not. This ‘fresh air’ represents a choice you most likely have never been faced with before. How do I help, where do I go, you wonder? “What are my options?” you ask. I see four basic possibilities for your involvement.
You may be a messenger, an organizer, a sponsor or a worker. Then again, you may decide to think it over for a while, the invitation is still good. You may actually do all four to some extent. 
A messenger would convey this material to selected individuals; an organizer would recruit people to help carry out a fresh idea and suggest how they could start, a sponsor would bring funding to the table, and a worker would decide where to show up and offer to help. What is the most comfortable for you? Your choice will be influenced by your past choice of those comforting and defining blankets we spoke of.
Your response to, and role within this Global makeover will evolve over time, over months and years. The challenge for all will be to settle on, “What is most appropriate for me at this moment?” Do you understand that these pages have come before you with a purpose? Change comes to each of us differently. We tend to repeat where we go and what we do. What would come of your first visit to a flower show or a basketball game, a historical landmark or a graveyard? Perhaps for your next three meals out, take them at new restaurants.
This Arising Renaissance will bring abrupt changes for everyone. It is like asking fans to switch from football to volleyball, or country music to opera. We will all be thrilled and challenged. How hard is it to greet the new, to appreciate it? Take note of what others have chosen, respect what they see in it. 
It will be easier to encourage others to explore new possibilities if you have done so, and learned a thing or two. It may be that your perspective and personality will be useful within the political challenges to come. Many people define themselves in political terms, progressive or libertarian for example. Can this sea change become universally accepted across the political spectrum? Such universal acceptance depends on the voices of a few who supply the big view, a perspective that integrates all existing political orientations. Could you help with that? Even the thought of it is fresh air.
What is on your plate now? Can you put part of it aside, or even let it go? Assuming the renaissance Calls to you, how would you rearrange your own priorities? 
Again, it is a matter of your experiencing now what is being proposed for all. This active empathy supplies the energy that will move mountains. It is honest and it is miracle hatching. Fresh air is catching the scent of what’s coming up for you, for all of us.
Then, The Call Goes Out!
At this moment only a handful of people have heard of the term Renaissance Arising. As the word spreads many will link this up with past events, as well as add descriptions of new things yet to happen. 
Using them in any context adds to the general energy of manifestation. The Call will spread initially by someone telling a friend, then it goes outward to other friends; the word will reach those busy with existing projects, “Someone believes this is part of a new renaissance, can you believe that?” and at some point after that the Renaissance ‘Re words’ will be increasingly on the web, offered in flyers and art.
“The Call” can be seen as four waves of actions that brings the Renaissance of the Twenty-First Century to fruition. How long will this take? I don’t know.
First Actions can happen very quickly, immediately upon hearing the call. 
They would be your shifting into an open, more positive world view opening your heart, feeling the flow of love to all the life around you. You may choose to support an existing effort or simply spread the Renaissance perspective to friends and work-mates, perhaps even that super somebody who has access to the media, or is a fundraiser.
Second Actions would be new initiatives and projects that are created from scratch, usually requiring paper and files, an address, correspondence, all demonstrating that the Reworking is coming into it’s own, with a real place in society. Such actions could be a Renaissance discussion group, or a committee forming inside existing organizations and schools, and then eventually to be reflected in articles, and books.
Third Actions will be taking place when two or more parties, government agencies, corporations, community service clubs, schools, governments, foundations and churches will work together, making arrangements to gain a wider presence or to undertake larger projects. All precipitated by the arrival of Renaissance thinking. Projects would include everything from the future of our overseas military bases to environmentalists and loggers working it out on the Clark Fork drainage in Montana. At this stage we may well detect it’s arrival in opinion polls. 
We can look ahead to Fourth Actions which would be the banquet’s of celebration upon completing our projects. Some of us have attended such celebrations already, we just didn’t know we were also involved with energizing a Renaissance.
From you and me to the world. “It could happen.” Social scientists recognize self-fulfilling prophecies; in my view we are not pushing the river, we are going with the flow. The ranks of Makeover oriented workers could swell very quickly to one person in five of the potential Global work force. Part time, full time. Fund it by any means necessary, donations, taxes, Global Recovery Stamps and Bonds, and many more ways yet to come.  (See note,it could happen, from Angels in the Outfield)
There is something magical, miraculous even, about achieving a critical mass. Much like getting a fire going on a cold, wet and windy day, once you have it right it will ignite. “Are we to discover fire the second time?” (See note)
Part Two, Arising Now . . .
This section offers a place to start the process of stepping out anew. We can begin again. We are forgiven and blessed automatically when we do. 
(Notes are under construction from here on.)
At this Moment, Precursors abound
First, we have Queen Noor of Jordan continuing to build support for Global Zero. She was born Lisa Najeeb Halaby in Washington D.C.,1951 (See Wikipedia for Bio.) Two hundred world leaders including Presidents Jimmy Carter and Mikhail Gorbachev, as well as retired military brass from China, Russia, and America are working to remove all nuclear weapons from this earth. It may be that they sense the same shift that many others do, the world is coming to it’s senses, call it what you will. She is Blogging, Tweeting and Skyping to move Global Zero’s recommended twenty year plan along, to remove all nuclear weapons. 
A Sea Change of Renaissance proportions is necessary for this goal to become believable, and then finally for it to be publicly championed around the world as the right thing to do. (See note) 
Second, we have the use of “reinvigoration” by the Feds. That’s how they put it when they described recent efforts to make the Federal Trade Commission, the Labor Department, OSHA, the Department of Homeland Security, as well as the EPA and the FDA more responsible to the public it serves. 
The use of these RE words speaks to a desire to get back on course, to fulfill an expectation that is growing, perhaps a rush to get to where we know we are supposed to be. Look for RE words to show up in the news and even in advertisements. Let us reinvigorate our own expectations of what Tomorrow can bring.
For August I have two very unexpected precursors.
In the region of Catalonia Spain, bullfighting has been outlawed. “We have a responsibility that goes beyond the borders of Catalonia. It is a responsibility to civilization,” said Joan Puigcercos. The battle between Culture and Animal rights will continue, and their are other political flavors to it as well.
Then we have the story you probably saw, Billionaires signing the “Giving Pledge.” Go to Fifty people have pledged to give away half their wealth during their remaining years, and many more are expected. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are given credit for getting it rolling. (See note.)
It is reported as I sit here that Social Security just reached a Tipping Point, for the first time, funds out the door, surpassed the deductions coming in. Wow. It was expected on down the road, showed up early.
Extra, Extra! On August 10, 2001 I learned of, “B” corporations, as in, “Benefit,” for you and me. The old school S and C type corporations are bound by (as I understand it) their charters of incorporation to put the financial interests of shareholders above all else. “No funds available for a drive through recycling kiosk at the bank! Read the charter.” Well, their is a new kid on the block. In Maryland, then Vermont, and possibly soon to follow, in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey,Washington and Colorado it will be possible to do just that, or put up a sheet metal shop that would feature bringing into the shop volunteers to fabricate solar panels for local non-profits. These new companies would be incorporated to do this work, in business to do good things, with investors applauding! (See note.) 
Listen to the news with an ear for items that could have been led with the phrase, “And now from the Renaissance desk we have . . .” You will soon find your own favorite precursors to the arising Renaissance. 
Finding your own current examples can define your recognition of the ‘Renaissance Clan.’ Try it on for size, find yourself telling family and friends about these developments, use the words “Renaissance” and “precursor,” how hard is that? For some it may will be a stretch, we just have not allowed ourselves to believe it was going to get better any time soon. It is! 
Use What’s Available Now
As preferable options present themselves, support them. This applies to everything from reusable grocery bags and those incandescent light bulbs, through the food you eat. Shop local and eat as fresh as possible, read the ingredient labels on packaged foods, and of course watch for new recycling programs. Visit the showrooms of the new electric and hybrid cars, become conversant about them, have a favorite in mind. Talk it up, amp the buzz, shift the landscape.
Could you step up at work, say with the cartridge recycling program? Ask if you could help out, then talk to the individuals who change them. You will probably have to select a proper box to store them in before they are returned. The same challenge applies to all other recyclables; containers and space are required, businesses can make this work, and some are offering client and customer drop off recycling opportunities.

You may have a chance to take it to the next level, say your workplace is in an office park, perhaps office paper aggregates at your office, those cartridges go over to the Copy Shop and cardboard goes down the street to the grocery store, that has a bailer. Make the effort, show some progress. Others may join in and help out. Post recycling articles on the bulletin board. Even appeal to the boss for more support. Find out what other similar businesses are doing. You may find great comfort in becoming a worker bee, sorting out recyclables and dropping them off, you may prefer talking it up. 
Sometimes it may seem to be not worth it, a few newspapers and soda cans. In fact, you could say that the, “Getting it done” in the long term has little to do with the thirty pounds a week that is no longer being ‘trashed’. 
We, along with the magic of it, are affected negatively when we witness practices for which we know there is a better solution. Not completing the obvious better alternative is akin to suffering a failure, bit by bit, week after week. 
Some are callous or become so, reducing our ability to show kindness in other situations. The energy becomes sticky and hard to move through. Our inattention to such repetitive, even built in little failures, can be turned around so easily. Keep the issue open, do the best you can, be attentive to possible improvements over the long term. This applies to us average consumers as well as purchasing agents. Some are buying by the ton or truckload. Watch for recovered, replenished, and recycled, everything from fertilizer to carpeting, and new “hardwood” flooring made with tires. (See note) 
Here are recent examples from my own life. I have a wheat, gluten sensitivity and found relief through buying gluten free bread and scone mixes through the mail, so when mixes showed up on the Natural Foods aisle at the market, I bought some immediately. When Betty Crocker first offered a Gluten Free chocolate cookie mix right along side the regular mixes, I bought one. When will we see those famous Macaroni and Cheese makers do the same? 
When we bought our manufactured home in Liberty Missouri there were two five gallon paint buckets of drained engine oil confronting me. Liberty does have a hazardous waste drive once a year, but I happened to know that one of the auto parts chains accepted used engine oil as a service, guess where I now buy all my auto supplies? Of course, one can choose to be cynical, and I have to say pouring that oil into the drum was difficult and messy, however it’s a start, a pioneering effort, shoulder to the wheel, that sort of thing.
This progressive mind set occasionally offers a two for one special. When you accept assistance at least two benefit and glow. Recently for us it was more like a 12 to 1 benefit ratio. It was hard for us to accept, and it had a glorious outcome. My Billie, with her artificial joints, was being processed for a power chair by our Doctor, then she happened to break a bone in her foot. The chair became an immediate necessity. 
A friend suggested Rebuilding Together in Liberty for assistance with building the now required ramp for the power chair. 
Twelve men, three boys and some proud Moms built our ramp in one day. For me it was an emotional and overwhelming end to my era of absolutely always carrying my own weight.
For the Golden Rule to work someone has to offer assistance, and someone has to accept. Most all of us are in the habit of politely stiff arming those who offer to help us out. I’m sure the psychology of it all would be interesting. Just accept, let the kindness live. Your turn to offer.
Speak Up!
When have you cheered at the movies? When someone achieved unpredictability. When they had a successful, “At bat.” We go back to the theater to be reminded that we can do it, that we can stand in there and take our best shot. Such moments are examples of Citizen Sainthood, achieved by that person who can leave the house looking for whatever is pitched their way, ready to swing away and do the unheard of.
“I saw the most amazing thing,” the onlookers will say. Some turn away and don’t take their swings. That is also portrayed in our movies and books. What are your favorite movie moments? Can you see them as, “At bats?
There are many ways to speak up. In one very important way they are all equal. At that very moment of decision to do the unpredictable, from snapping up a scrap of litter on your way into the 7-11, to deciding to sponser a micro loan in Morocco; your energy spikes, at that moment the Arising Renaissance just received a little push. 
Talk to someone about this, yes, what you are reading right now, it is so easy to rag on the car mechanic or ‘that clerk,’ why is it so hard to bring up good news about things on Earth getting better? Are we trained to ‘live in the dark’ in some profound way? Choose someone, even if you have to call long distance. It seems from my experience so far that talking up the good news is a challenge for some. This achievement is so important, it can be compared to launching our vessel upon the river of change, the wheelhouse soon to be occupied by dreamers and manifestors. 
Repeatedly in the papers, and on TV you have heard and read of hard times not spoken about until a certain point, then someone came forward, they had suffered enough. The Birth of the Makeover requires us to speak up about our desires for such changes as a Renaissance could bring. 
It is such an important thing, and it will warm your belly when you do. This process of bearing your soul, is the process of becoming authentic. You can pay hundreds of dollars for retreats that will help you do this. Talking to your friends and relatives about your heart’s desirers, or possibly a dark secret that is hanging on you, these will start you out just fine. 
Breath Some Fresh Air
Most of us are flat out busy. Our lives seem . . . beyond our control. After pausing for a while and going inside, starting to feel your way, the time will come to fully open the door to your involvement with the “Renaissance point of view.” Are you squared away? The Call of Part One says, literally, light it up. Without your energy brought out into view, you will sit by with a potential, it will help, however your possible contribution is so much more. “Hey man, what’s happening?” We are always looking about for what is going down. When you speak of the new, you will be breathing some very refreshing air, try it soon. 
This perspective will take you to new places, ready or not. This ‘fresh air’ represents a choice you most likely have never been faced with before. How do I help, where do I go, you wonder? “What are my options?” you ask. I see four basic possibilities for your involvement.
You may be a messenger, an organizer, a sponsor or a worker. Then again, you may decide to think it over for a while, the invitation is still good. You may actually do all four to some extent. 
A messenger would convey this material to selected individuals; an organizer would recruit people to help carry out a fresh idea and suggest how they could start, a sponsor would bring funding to the table, and a worker would decide where to show up and offer to help. What is the most comfortable for you? Your choice will be influenced by your past choice of those comforting and defining blankets we spoke of.
Your response to, and role within this Global makeover will evolve over time, over months and years. The challenge for all will be to settle on, “What is most appropriate for me at this moment?” Do you understand that these pages have come before you with a purpose? Change comes to each of us differently. We tend to repeat where we go and what we do. What would come of your first visit to a flower show or a basketball game, a historical landmark or a graveyard? Perhaps for your next three meals out, take them at new restaurants.
This Arising Renaissance will bring abrupt changes for everyone. It is like asking fans to switch from football to volleyball, or country music to opera. We will all be thrilled and challenged. How hard is it to greet the new, to appreciate it? Take note of what others have chosen, respect what they see in it. 
It will be easier to encourage others to explore new possibilities if you have done so, and learned a thing or two. It may be that your perspective and personality will be useful within the political challenges to come. Many people define themselves in political terms, progressive or libertarian for example. Can this sea change become universally accepted across the political spectrum? Such universal acceptance depends on the voices of a few who supply the big view, a perspective that integrates all existing political orientations. Could you help with that? Even the thought of it is fresh air.
What is on your plate now? Can you put part of it aside, or even let it go? Assuming the renaissance Calls to you, how would you rearrange your own priorities? 
Again, it is a matter of your experiencing now what is being proposed for all. This active empathy supplies the energy that will move mountains. It is honest and it is miracle hatching. Fresh air is catching the scent of what’s coming up for you, for all of us.
Then, The Call Goes Out!
At this moment only a handful of people have heard of the term Renaissance Arising. As the word spreads many will link this up with past events, as well as add descriptions of new things yet to happen. 
Using them in any context adds to the general energy of manifestation. The Call will spread initially by someone telling a friend, then it goes outward to other friends; the word will reach those busy with existing projects, “Someone believes this is part of a new renaissance, can you believe that?” and at some point after that the Renaissance ‘Re words’ will be increasingly on the web, offered in flyers and art.
“The Call” can be seen as four waves of actions that brings the Renaissance of the Twenty-First Century to fruition. How long will this take? I don’t know.
First Actions can happen very quickly, immediately upon hearing the call. 
They would be your shifting into an open, more positive world view opening your heart, feeling the flow of love to all the life around you. You may choose to support an existing effort or simply spread the Renaissance perspective to friends and work-mates, perhaps even that super somebody who has access to the media, or is a fundraiser.
Second Actions would be new initiatives and projects that are created from scratch, usually requiring paper and files, an address, correspondence, all demonstrating that the Reworking is coming into it’s own, with a real place in society. Such actions could be a Renaissance discussion group, or a committee forming inside existing organizations and schools, and then eventually to be reflected in articles, and books.
Third Actions will be taking place when two or more parties, government agencies, corporations, community service clubs, schools, governments, foundations and churches will work together, making arrangements to gain a wider presence or to undertake larger projects. All precipitated by the arrival of Renaissance thinking. Projects would include everything from the future of our overseas military bases to environmentalists and loggers working it out on the Clark Fork drainage in Montana. At this stage we may well detect it’s arrival in opinion polls. 
We can look ahead to Fourth Actions which would be the banquet’s of celebration upon completing our projects. Some of us have attended such celebrations already, we just didn’t know we were also involved with energizing a Renaissance.
From you and me to the world. “It could happen.” Social scientists recognize self-fulfilling prophecies; in my view we are not pushing the river, we are going with the flow. The ranks of Makeover oriented workers could swell very quickly to one person in five of the potential Global work force. Part time, full time. Fund it by any means necessary, donations, taxes, Global Recovery Stamps and Bonds, and many more ways yet to come.  (See note,it could happen, from Angels in the Outfield)
There is something magical, miraculous even, about achieving a critical mass. Much like getting a fire going on a cold, wet and windy day, once you have it right it will ignite. “Are we to discover fire the second time?” (See note)
Part Three, Preparation
Part Three suggests your preparation, to be able to speak to your desires, intentions and beliefs. Your illuminations are valuable, learn how to wrap and deliver them, they are needed now. We will soon hear ourselves speaking with a new clarity about our world and the visions of what we would prefer.
Future Focused Conversations
As this Arising takes it’s place deep within, you will feel the desire to talk about what is stirring you to action, to the changes swirling about us. You will find yourself face to face with individuals who are ready to gain a life-changing glimpse of the future through your conversations with them. 
You, explaining the arrival of a new day. You will be standing as an ambassador of the Global makeover. When you go out into the world, take a moment and prepare yourself in advance to speak in a positive way, can you say, “Hello” and share a smile with a so called stranger every day? Watch your mouth for an upchuck of the “aint it awful” or the “poor me” syndrome, fight it off with ready comments on good movies or inspiring books. You might even keep in mind your two or three best wishes for a brighter tomorrow, and avoid being pulled into negative responses. 
Perhaps you can visualize a color to go with your mood. See yourself in gold or azure . . . what is your own favorite color? You know what the blah colors are. Have you ever looked in the mirror and said out loud, “I love you!” Then add “ Every day, in every way I’m improving more and more.”
The following topics are each complex, however it is easy to grasp the basic idea behind each one. The principles of each can be applied to many circumstances, and used to illustrate the choices ahead. A change in direction takes us into uncharted waters. These terms will see us into the launch period. This means knowledge of basic science concepts will become more widespread. Those who do understand “the science of it,” will be encouraged to speak and improve the quality of the public discussion of proposed changes on the street.
Life on Earth
Kindness and love are desired by all. Some believe this planet to be millions of years old, others know of it as being much younger. Does this have any bearing on how you behave, say, driving in traffic? Or your response to anyone needing a hand? 
Over the years I have just about filled up what I call my curiosity locker. My family has a strong Methodist wing as well as a Mormon one, my, isn’t that interesting, no action required. I am attracted to our diverse journeys, our evolution of modern societal values, and the philosophical inquiry into our “arrival and purpose.” To ponder it all, that is what we do. 
We have only been here a short while, on earth with chemistry and circuits, fuels and medicines. I’v been getting a smile out of those articles about how we are ‘hard wired’ for this or that. It has now been pointed out that we are biologically well suited to live a much simpler and slower lifestyle, like say during the Clan of the Cave Bear days, a popular series of books by Jean M. Auel that supposes Neanderthal and Cro Magnum people coexisted for a time thousands of years ago. (See note)
This understanding is a long way from the New Testament teachings of Christianity, and quite different from other beliefs around the world. 
The Native People of Turtle Island (now North America) let it go as, “The Great Mystery.” 
Diverse peoples are coexisting now, as well as thousands of years ago. What can we teach each other? I don’t mean core religious or spiritual beliefs, everyone is entitled to their own heritage. What about how they sing and their language nuances? We are in the awful habit of thinking that early music is primitive, inferior to that played on modern instruments and scores. Did they have ‘musical notes’ that we are missing now? I have experienced notes and tones in Nature that were haunting and spellbinding, I’m sure the early ones knew how to imitate them, even make them more effective. Are we letting our Global Families Heritage deteriorate?
Everyone shares an obligation to protect what sustains all life, both biologically and emotionally. This is our basic Humanity, to wish everyone well, strangers on the street, convicts, detractors and friends alike. 
For me, that movie phrase, “Let’s take this outside right now,” has always implied an underlying possibility of showing the Planet the same consideration. “You DORK, I’ve had it!” “I’ve had enough, Outside, now!” “I couldn’t agree more, outside right now, after-all, we don’t want to break anything in here.” “I agree, you Dork, now get out that door." 
We can learn to disagree without destroying the place. We are building toward a Global harmony born of diversity. We all need our space. We are not a cog in anyone else's wheel. Some feel more protected in a big outfit, others squint and wonder what is over the hill. 
Where is it that we are being driven to? We have been rushed into something. Big business has grown large beyond our human scale of things. Life is with our kids, not in the deal. 
Global Warming 
Back in the seventies global warming was not on the short list of things we should take care of. It was indeed a concern, rather than today's cause celebre of the public environmental discussion.
To be crude for a moment, Global Warming is a very poor poster child for our environmental concerns. 
The two headliners when Earth Day was started were population growth and chemical pollution of the planet, Dr. Paul Ehrlich and Rachel Carson were sounding the alarm on those two issues. Probably the most serious issue then, in the 1970s was and is still, the loss of agricultural soils, both in extent and in vitality. A close second then and now is the increasing rate of animal and insect extinctions, and we saw the fresh water crisis coming upon us, as well as the eventual rise of sea level. 
As the general population learns more, it will be seen that Global Warming needed attention long ago, as do these other issues. A “just enough” response to Global warming alone is totally inadequate. The general health of the planet has been under siege for decades. In fact there is one New Englander who saw this coming on in 1864, George Perkins Marsh. with the publication of his, Man and Nature. (See note)
I would hazard a guess that only one-fifth of the eventual Global makeover effort should be allocated to Global warming.
If one assumes we have a limited ability to “fix things,” then a Global makeover of Renaissance proportions will require a truly unprecedented effort, rather than a just barely adequate reduction of green house gasses.
On another level global warming is normal and desired. It drives our natural water delivery system and supplies those very comfortable warm days we enjoy so much, and that every sprouting seed must have. The incoming solar radiation of visible light rays warms the earths diversity of surfaces from roof tops to open fields, including our cars and streets, giving them all a build up of heat energy, which then has a different wavelength as it reradiates as heat. You could say this portion of the Sun’s solar energy ‘left hotter than it came in.’
So then, sunlight has a warming effect on the surfaces it shines on, and is then irradiated back out into the air, and warms it, which in turn warms everything nearby. We absolutely must have just the right amount of global warming for there to be life on earth. Those green house gasses are extra particles to be warmed, little added reflectors retarding the return of the light of the sun to space, where it has always gone. Yes, these things are mysterious.
The way we explained this in the seventies was to point out how your car warms up when parked in the sun. The sun shines in, warming the seats and dash, that reradiated heat is then trapped inside by the window glass. If enough ventilation is provided with lowered windows or air conditioning, we have a replica of the natural dynamic equilibrium that establishes one of the basic physical conditions on this planet to allow life as we know it, the one we are playing about with now.
The discussion of atmospheric heating is left uncompleted as our direct warming of the air is not mentioned. We have all seen those photos of the Earth at night, aglow with lights and Heat, how about turning out some to all of those lights? Has that calculation been made yet? All carbon dioxide that enters the atmosphere, by definition, does so in a heated condition, directly and indirectly as the heat of car exhausts, as well as engine blocks and all those catalytic converters. Also include those cooling towers that come with nuclear reactors? Interesting stuff.
The term ‘footprint’ has become commonplace, and it can be used in many ways. It usually defines a contribution to the Green House gasses linked to global warming, usually carbon dioxide added to the air from combusting coal, natural gas, methane, gasoline and kerosene as well as a few others. It is a general reference to the carbon being emitted from the smokestacks and tailpipes of everything from cars to jets, and apartment complexes to manufacturing facilities, all burning petroleum based fuels. Even the place of injection into the atmosphere is of importance, as are the prevailing winds, and how high, at sea level, or from jet engines at forty-thousand feet. 
The second basic meaning is the total carbon released in the objects original creation. In many cases this will involve several gas releases from different locations. We first have the original mining, logging and pumping to acquire the raw resources; then the transportation, and storage, fabricating all the handling, the final manufacture and distribution, as well as your trip to and from the store, and the packagings creation and eventual disposal! 
This can be tricky to figure in some cases, for example, consider solar cells.
“Yes, that one may be more efficient, but look at what you used up to make it!” This type of comparison at some point would include service life and regular maintenance. The discussion goes on. Carbon footprints then have two levels of sophistication, the common footprint of immediate usage, then the complex layered footprint of its manufacture, delivery and installation, and then it’s use and disposal is some times factored in for a total affect, to compare alternatives.
Television news has shown us that traveling by jet aircraft has a much larger “footprint” than driving, and that trains are very good, at least for freight. You could say, “Footprints” is a media driven political hot potato. Easy to say, hard to grasp. For instance there is a book out comparing the footprints of dogs and cats to cars. The authors claim that pet footprints are harder on the environment than our cars. Well, dogs don’t eat the nonrenewable resource oil, while cars do have a choice between very old carbon and fresh biofuels. The authors main point is, the land and resources required to raise the crops to feed the meat bearing animals that the pets eventually eat, is a larger footprint than the space required by our cars. I see apples, oranges and confusion. Arguments will bounce all over the place for a while. We should avoid jumping to conclusions, especially those we like the best.
Extractive industries such as petroleum and coal mining have many kinds of footprints, not all equally undesirable. However the basic analogy of the grass being trampled underfoot is a good one in my view. We can certainly learn to step lightly, and go around those very sensitive spots.
You could say that the main mission of the Environmental Protection Agency is to control and reduce those old school externalities. Fifty years ago the success of many companies depended on the plant’s location, allowing them to maximize “externalities,” known to us as pollutants. Piping wastes into rivers and delivering unwanted chemicals into the air with a plume of steam were simply just the way it was done. If a factory can avoid one of the costs of manufacture, profits rise. 
This is a factor in the discussions of lax standards in other countries, it costs a little more to do it the right way here. 
What about the eventual health and environmental costs that result from dumping such “externalities” onto the land, or into rivers and bays?
Remember the Erin Brokovich film with Julia Roberts? That community in Southern California suffered from the ‘successful’ use of externalities to lower costs. We now can only release what the law allows. Perhaps we can minimize such dumping tomorrow. 
Hidden away in all the pollution of our Industrial Age is the challenge of the Law of Entropy. How big is our supply? Will we drop back to a solar budget? 
I once told a group that we should save petroleum reserves for the day when we will grind rock to create new soil, and to reprocess our landfills to recover metals, contain wastes, and produce a stream of organics to combine with that ground mineralized rock to make, and then distribute ‘replacement soils’ over agricultural fields and tree farms. This is presented as an example to demonstrate that we don’t know what is ahead, we need to keep some rooms open for those unexpected, yet absolutely necessary externalities of the future.
Externalities represent that portion of our look ahead that no one talks about. The heat of it all, the Entropy Law. The focus an arising renaissance is on the next few years. The focus of Thermodynamics is, “Whenever, I’ll wait.” That is a whole different book. Read, Entropy, A New World View, 1980, by Jeremy Rifkin. He could well receive the Prize for the most important book to be totally ignored. My focus is now first things first, go for a Makeover, nurture our Springs of Hope, and Don’t Trash the Bus on the Way t (See note)
Population Draw Curve
This curve shows the basic ‘upside down’ relationship between our appetite for resources and the Earth’s ability to produce them. Todays ‘going green’ recognizes the importance of each one of us taking smaller bites at every turn to reduce the draw upon the resource base, and here is a different “footprint.”
It was staggering to learn first hand that our general public had no concept of exponential growth rates. Dr. Ehrlick wrote of a future mass of humanity, expanding outward from the earth at the speed of light, an attempt to shock us into an understanding of our situation.
Published by the Ecology Action Educational Institute, Modesto, CA, 1971 Maximum indicates the planet’s ability to support life, say in 1,000BC. Minimum depicts the low draw of resources by the few people of that day.
In todays world we are hissing at Wall Street over obscene profits and bonuses, partially the result of exponential growth of consumption on top of exponential expansion of the global customer base. For some, money has grown on trees, our trees. 
While restorative activities in the recovery period of a makeover can become a temporary fix for the economy, it occurs with a calculated loss of reserves and a sharp additional impact on support systems. I believe that is our situation today, what will we trash to regain our footing? We have already implicitly made some of these decisions. Just ask our veterans, the homeless, and our seniors who can’t afford the medicines they need, as well as all the applicants for disability payments. I have just read about Black Farmers and Native Americans that are left sitting on the curb, Court ruling in hand. (See note)
The “Overpopulation concerns” of the 1970s now resides within the new field of Bioethics. It has to do with any activity or policy that would result in more people than we can take care of. A related population issue is simmering on the back burner. It is eugenics, positive and negative, which proposes that you can’t have children without the “right” genes. 
By all standards our Home Base population has grown right up to it’s sustainable maximum. Doing nothing to prevent serious overpopulation will bring such ideas forward, along with perhaps the a very contentious debate, souring the Family scene. 
Global warming and Population dynamics should be linked in future policy discussions. This is consistent with the human race maturing and settling in upon the earth, for the long haul. At the moment it is being proposed that we can do this by moving ‘smoke and money’ around, with Cap and Trade. Does this help or hinder in the long hall? A straight forward carbon tax would give everyone equal future options for development. 
The Demographic Transition of Developing Countries
This “Transition” has been a point of disagreement for over thirty years, I’ll have to freshen up on the current thinking before the final draft. Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb, 1969 was adamant that exponential population growth had to be stopped. Dr. Barry Commoner, The Closing Circle, maintained that poverty was the problem. He wrote that once the families of the developing world were beyond poverty, the average family size would shrink, therefore we have the challenge of rapidly increasing standards of living, rather than preventing population growth. (See note)
I don’t know what the “science of it” shows now, these two Professors and many others had words on it some thirty years ago and I may have missed the conclusion. It is certainly one dimension of any discussion of population policy today. 
Who has the right to tell someone, “You have enough children, you are not allowed to have any more.” In some of my lectures I told a true story about a youngster who watched Dr. Ehrlich's Johnny Carson appearance, in his PJ’s from the top of the stairs. The Scientist laid out his usual arguments on that particular evening about the earth having far too many people. 
The next morning at breakfast the boy told his Father, “I am willing to go Dad.” Perhaps population growth is the fundamental issue, if any one factor can be so labeled. (Note)
Dynamic Equilibrium
Dynamic equilibrium is usually used as an ecological term. It can be useful in several ways. It is often illustrated by discussing the amount of dissolved oxygen in streams and lakes, and now in isolated parts of the oceans. It is critical to the life in all those bodies of water. The most common issue is a reduction of dissolved oxygen as organic materials, ‘pollutants’ logging debris to industrial leftovers, in the water decompose, using the available oxygen. You may have seen a green ‘scum’ on the edges of shallow bodies of water, even matted over ponds, usually associated with shallow and warming water. This is a seasonal occurrence, reversed with a return of higher water levels and colder weather. The equilibrium is reestablished. 
Another often used example has to with the pelts of wolves and rabbits bought by the Canadian Hudson Bay Co. two centuries ago. These records demonstrate the rise and fall of prey and predator during the harsh winters and the evolved natural seasonal propagation of these animals. They also recorded the arrival of the new predator, whose take can be managed with official hunting seasons and permits. Increasing Wolf pelt takes cycled along behind increases and decreases in rabbit pelts. 
This natural rhythm of nature was in place before the arrival of trappers; these cycles became very dramatic with the increased pressure of the fur trade, and the occasional very mild or harsh winter. 
The human pressures on all ecological systems worldwide has caused the extinction of many species. It is often claimed half of those remaining will be gone in one hundred years. There is no longer available enough, of at least one, of the many factors required to allow the natural dynamic balance of these species to be maintained.
Every animals habitat or niche has many such ‘balancing acts’ within them that maintain the conditions necessary for that particular community of species. 
You could even say that a Bank has such a relationship between deposits and withdrawals, large and small, and then expenses, interest payments and profits. Mechanics maintain the governors on many types of equipment to assure maximum rated Rpm's are not exceeded, as well as the engine idols properly awaiting the signal to work, delivered by the throttle.
The accomplishment of large construction projects involves someone maintaining a dynamic balance of many factors that changes day to day, labor, funds available, and the weather and so on. We don’t see the modern dynamic equilibriums that we are dependent upon, like the coordination required to supply energy and water to our Cities.
When we say, “It all depends,” we may be acknowledging dynamic balancing acts that are unpredictable. In all of nature’s healthy ecosystems this is done internally, automatically. By understanding these lessons from the Natural World we have a better idea of what our job is going forward. I would say that everyone who is regarded as sharp, with good common sense, possesses the innate ability to understand the internal dynamics of any situation, and has a nose for the key factors at that moment, and may never have heard of this term. They are the very alive ones.
Biogeochemical Cycles
All the compounds and chemicals that circulate through the natural world do so within these cycles that take place partially in the ground, in oceans and lakes, the atmosphere, and organisms, be they large or small. 
I was asked to teach ecology to young advanced students in Modesto when we were developing curbside recycling. I chose to look at the biogeochemical pathway of calcium. I did it with the students assistance, and with the help of their own calcium. “Close your eyes,” then, “Now touch your elbow with your index finger, imagine you are feeling the calcium atoms that are on the very tip of your elbow.” 
Then we talked about the journey of how the calcium got there, from the grass a deer ate, “No a dinosaur!” someone yelled. I said, “Perhaps, could be.” As they screamed and roared I sketched it out on the board. 
Onward to a mountain lion who ate the deer, then through elimination into the soil, up into the grass again, perhaps trampled by a moose, rotted it’s way back into the ground and up as grass once again; then mowed and packed into a hay bale, and finally into a feed trough at a dairy to be eaten by a cow, digested and ending up as milk in the udder and finally, finally into a bottle of milk that you drank from, and then into your stomach which looked it over and sent part of that calcium on out to that bulging elbow of yours!
Someone asked, “Where did that calcium ever come from?” and I asked them right back “Do we have to know everything?” Like I said, they were advanced students. Interesting stories can be told of many such journeys, from the knee of a mosquito, to the tusks of an elephant. This is life with a small brush, the circulation and timely supply system to keep everything alive up and running, molecule by molecule. The living of it is so much more than just the beating of those wild hearts.
Ecological Succession
Remember the big fire in Yellowstone? Parts of that fire were exceptionally hot. Everything was “fried” even the soil. Mt St Helens provided another look at how Nature can start over. We don’t expect trees right away, we knew it would take awhile. We watched stages of plant growth, each one being determined by what was there to start with and each new stage of plant growth providing the raw materials for the next stage. 
When Lewis and Clark travelled through what is now Yellowstone, the forest was in a climax stage, a very old, large and mature forest. The large pine trees crowded each other so that little sunlight reached the ground. 
This resulted in little browse for deer and other game. The Corp of Discovery faced starvation until they were beyond that climax forest. Very easy open walking, but nothing to eat, no game to hunt. 
We are starting with almost ‘bare ground.’ Who talks of a Renaissance now? I don’t know just where, or what will grow first or second, to bring this new growth, this makeover about. We will learn to watch for emerging shoots and look into who got them started. We will emulate the conditions of success. As in nature, progress will be both slow and fast. Programs and projects will tend to be opportunistic rather than well planned in advance. 
Tall trees are not to be expected right away. Individuals will spread the word, the energy will begin to rise. Existing efforts will receive expanded support. At some point the Arising Renaissance will be talked about here and there. Fresh efforts will begin. At some point governments will pick up on it, as well as existing groups will add the energy of, “Creating a renaissance,” to their literature.
A progression of events will be most likely, just as with pioneering species arriving to hold and build the soil, hold the moisture, then grasses and brush, finally onward to mature trees. You can see this progression on any cleared or open ground. Cycles are everywhere. 
A steady progression of events will mark the emergence of this Renaissance, it can be counted on, and perhaps an unexpected large breakout will be seen. Some would say patience is required, perhaps it is more like holding respect for the birth of a miracle. 
Loose Money
This term is offered to help address the difference between the dollars in your wallet and those empty dollars which fell in on us. There is a history to that cave-in. You see, the Government, the banks, and investors have been betting on our behavior, our ability to borrow and pay interest, and carry debt, big debt all of our lives. We have enabled more than we know about. 
This activity of buying and selling those bets on us became so complex even the players lost tract. Some have said we are as pawns in a parlor game. That loose money did it. It also turns out we have been drafted to carry the notes on the very Casino where the bets were taken. 
This ‘parlor game’ can be likened to a feeding frenzy worth billions upon billions of dollars. We became the forgotten star of their big splash.
The dollars in your wallet and all the wage earners before you have enabled the Big Game that is beyond our view, being played with the loose money that our hard work spawned over time.
Reforms? Of course. At the least Wall Street should never be too big to fail. We still stand ready to put our savings beside our neighbors, to see house’s bought, and College attended. We have no interest in being drafted as a final guarantor for a pile of dried up loose money.
I’m exercised because I see what has to be taken care of within the scope of, the Reworking of our financial system. You could say we have been billed already, not a thing has been done yet. Perhaps by the time you read this? 
The New Bottom Line . . .
It is Stewardship. Make believe Grandma Gaia, and Uncle Sunshine are coming by. Time to take the trash out and clean the kids up. Could we pass muster if the Big Kahuna showed up? Businesses will still run at a profit while being responsible to employees, customers, and suppliers. All parties will watch over the balance with Mother Earth. Regulations will assure fair play, cultural sensibilities will grow into place and regulations will become less important over time. Credit Unions and Coops will have expanded roles.
More people will work for a living rather than fish around with money nets, hauling in cash without contributing to the welfare of man nor beast. 
On the twenty-seventh floor we will soon hear, “What piece of the Global Makeover can we work on from over here?” Answer, “Just route your shipping through XYZ by rail and we will be able to get our wind turbines in before the rains.” Then down on the eighth floor, “Perhaps if we change our feed stock, the pulp can be used for erosion control up in that big burn.” Smart business is the new way of doing Renaissance business, exciting and cutting edge stuff. “That’s business, you say?” “Yes indeed, but with a green twist.” 
A Great Joy will be taken in this type of growth within the Workings of business, as well as improving the vigor and diversity of the ecosystems. Life will be championed, human beingness will shout with integrity. More people will park to watch a really great sunrise or sunset. Smile and honk. Can you feel it? Yes, I believe you will, you can feel it. That is the call to come home.

Part Four, Acre by Acre, and Person by Person
The forth part demonstrates how a Renaissance would weave itself into our Societies and produce a network of interrelated, and mutually supportive global cultures. All of these examples may be surpassed by what is manifested in the future.
The arising renaissance will continue to be autonomous. We are all as in the audience on this one, waiting and watching. It will come as it may. We have no idea who will step up to the plate early, or who will run away. I wish a safe haven for all those the required revisions might frighten or deprive. 
Do you see chaos around the world, or do you see the new beginnings? I believe that the Big Roller Coaster Ride we are on has exposed us to new territory. We have shot right past our cultural caution signs and safety nets. 
It has been said that the Internet has taken away our gatekeepers, those who determined what was the true story, what is fair and proper, good or bad to read, or worth the money.
Anybody can and does say anything nowadays. Gone also are the Uncles and Grandmothers who could talk some sense into it. I would also say the Internet has removed past years wisdom keepers, perhaps they were too self centered to be of use in these fast moving times, however, understand this, we have put ourselves out on our own very quickly. Now we are challenged to find the new wisdom, then grow it’s keepers, they are here, amongst us now. Look for them, hear them out and consider.
I don’t see immorality by those who hung on to long and greased the skids for our recent financial fall, no. I see what was to be expected. Developments within the Modern World have overridden the ability of ordinary cultural safeguards to protect us. The world of trust in a handshake was obscured by regulations and layers of law long ago. It all got so big so quickly. We will find a new mix, acre by acre, and person by person. Salaries no longer reflect a person’s contribution to the welfare of society. They reflect the heat of the Market, coaches and singers perishable all. Now even shopping has a fan base. 
People will be pounding nails over here, while a few are foot dragging over there; who can say what will be accomplished first or last? These following vignettes stand as a preview. They offer the power, show the reach, and some of the expectations of a Renaissance turn of events. They offer a way of opening up the discussion, a phraseology if you will. 
The Reworking is an inside-out change in direction, dreams bursting into actions and reality. There are many existing projects in place that will eventually be listed as the very beginnings of the Global makeover, putting a shine on our Home Base
I am partial to this name, attracted to the idea of expecting visitors, and stating our awareness that the future holds an expanded focus on our own solar system, as well as deep space.
Of course the telling of what happens on this Earth during the next fifty years will be addressed later by others. These following examples of looking ahead do not stand as planks in a platform or even as an outline of a survival program, they are offered to give a contemporary Renaissance a magnitude of scale, and a scope of concern.
We are indeed putting the cart before the horse. Everyone will soon know that not only is a big ‘Global deal’ afoot, it just might be a turning point for them. Each person will have their own moments of decision. I see this shift as an overlay upon all existing activities, without a central control of any kind. Coordination of course, that will happen when necessary. 
Perhaps twenty percent of what could be called the global work force could ultimately be involved to some extent. “Awareness” usually waits for political action; or not, and that can build to an out of control condition. The Renaissance point of view is, “Do what you can now, with the resources at hand, recruit others to help.” 
It is hard to tell what the ‘political correctness’ of it all will be, and who will be addressing this point. That will be a tendency that can help, and one that could be very problematic. 
There will be a strong core that will stand firm, a core that will hold on for the long haul, or light up this option in such a way that it becomes manifest for all to see in a year or less.
I can easily imagine a very special type of “messenger.” Things will go faster and smoother with some early Organizational Support.
Perhaps you could be such a messenger, one of those who put it on the agenda somewhere, or introduce it to a study committee? Groups that are not thought of as being politically focused could embrace the Renaissance point of view, and endorse a cross-town project, or start a new one, thereby providing a strong and visible lattice for our desires to grow on, hopes coming into view.
Many of today’s fresh projects are contributed by students. Can we, or should we, see the Renaissance move from chatter in hallways to the lesson plans? That is a tough one. Could the Global makeover be advanced outside of ideological and partisan battle grounds? On the other hand we will need many skilled technicians to staff the rebuilding and the reclamation work to be done, the reconciliations to be accomplished. It needs to be discussed further. In the past I have proposed special educational sessions for students and parents at the same time on our ecological challenges. 
What about our Corporations? Do they serve us? Have things reversed to the point that we serve them? We are calling on them to be the power house they are, a rich uncle who lives far away. They need to visit and take a look around. We are the stockholders, once removed in most cases, clinging to our insurance policies and retirement accounts. Those amongst us who have access should speak to them. Walk our Renaissance right inside, and expect the best.
Corporations have the largest potential to implement new ways of doing Earth Business, on the way to sustainable stewardship. Consumers have now precipitated several recent tipping points, such as the developments around responsible eating. 
We have moved away from ‘anything that tastes good,’ to reasonable and more nutritious, and the driving public has almost abandoned the allure of horsepower for adequate and cheaper to operate. The health community has pushed us over the obesity tipping point. 
Corporations are expected to help ease the emotional trauma around these challenges we face, offer more options, come on out and talk to us.
The Work
The work of it promises benefits beyond the tasks accomplished. The words ‘job’ or ‘career’ don’t carry the same meaning of that good old fashioned work that your good at and proud of, work that was needed and appreciated. Good work well done is at the core of a prosperous family, business, government, or community. 
Once the promise of a renaissance is grasped, the work of it will become a common focus for everyone. Those who are not directly involved in recovery projects will be in support of those who are. Schooling for eighteen year olds could be interrupted for at least a year of Recovery Service. Moderate pay could be supplemented with privileges to be collected later.
The workaday tasks will be diverse and more diverse; the payrolls will be from none to handsome. The jobs will be part time to overtime, night time and seasonal, from a day to years. No central accounting, and the dust of it will be everywhere! Everywhere it will happen differently, what has come first, will next come last, what works will be copied and improved, and we will learn from our mistakes. 
Opportunities will be seized upon, breakthroughs will be praised. The talk of the town will be about recovery, entertainment will have a R squared ring to it. Editors and publishers will provide the information and encouragement, as well as document a few skinned knees.
Detractors will gather and protest, some will prove our case, others will provoke a rethink that delivers results. We especially need those who can listen with both ears, find that new path. I feel the real work will be the thinking it through, being patient here and in a rush over there, to see if we can avoid ripping any of it out, to try again.
Stories to tell the kids. We will cheer and weep as the refugee camps are torn down, we will cry for those lost to the final removal of land mines and we will cheer at the reintroduction of animals into yesterday’s ravaged habitats, we will applaud at the banquets and the celebrations of our accomplishments. That is the Work of it. Are you ready?
The Politics of It 
This sea change of historical proportions, the one I am rooting for, will dwarf the current rumble of anxiety, even buyers remorse for a few, and the loud, very conservative and very negative Republican Party response. In my personal view the electorate took Global Center Stage by elevating a choice between the first woman and the first American African for president, and then trashed the winner! What a lesson for all the fragile developing democracies. 
A Global makeover will be a new day in the Political Theater of Operations. It is theoretically possible that all Heads of State will find themselves grasping the scale and urgency of our situation. The diplomatic corp worldwide is ready for such n event. One of the major missing items are the proposals worked up for the advancement of peace, but never are allowed out of the filing cabinet into the light of day. Thousands of pages of progressive measures have been salted away, awaiting the right timing.
And in Washington D.C.,“Look, now Charlie, I don’t like this anymore than you do, we have to do something. We want you and two or three more committee chairman to stand with us at the Lincoln Memorial on Wednesday.” I choose to see the partisan divide becoming confused and then melting away. It is impossible to overstate the respect that this, New day Arising, deserves, and also, the need to maintain our sense of humor. 
We have a very rare opportunity that is being provided at a huge cost to millions of people and animals, as well as acres of woodland and mountains, true the world over. 
Many attempts have been made with books, documentaries, songs and sermons to awaken us to worsening conditions. 
Now we have this recent financial wrinkle, it seems the time has come. We have reached that point when,”Enough, is really enough!”
In chemistry there is one particular test that exemplifies what has happened in the last forty years. This test has to do with determining how acidic a solution is. A beaker of the liquid in question is placed under an apparatus holding a reagent of known concentration, and then added a drop at a time to the solution in question. At perhaps drop seventeen the color of the fluid in the beaker shifts dramatically to pink or blue, and the acidity is known. No one in the lab has any idea when the, “That’s Enough, hold it right there,” signal will be given.”
Will it be said that the cure is worse than the problem? Probably so, we need all the various voices that will contribute to a period of wise caution.
Anthropologists tell us the world’s tribal peoples understand the possibility of gathering at some point in the future, to consider major changes for the long term welfare of the people. They have listened to the Council of Chiefs before. They know the lay of the land.
We are faced with Moneyed Power, and that is a hard thing, competing monied powers is even worse. Today’s politics has left us with an ‘in-bred-ness’ of advocates, councilors, corporate types, elected representatives, and behind scenes legions of staffers. 
They have been having a time of it, assuming that they are the ‘Headliner’s’ in the main stadium. Many of us would prefer that most of them would simply go home and leave it be. 
There may have been a time in the past when that was a useful point of view, but not now. An Arising Renaissance will drive political activity to new levels. Some political players will work on damage control, others will try to find out what is going on. When it has been established that this is indeed a new day, it’s positive features will be recognized and the necessary top-end reorganization will start to take place. To sort this out will be a crowning achievement of contemporary Politics. Never to be the same old money game?
Will we discover that some of the Think Tanks have seen the need for this Global Makeover coming upon us for years? To what extent do our elected leaders seek coaching about what is best for the General Welfare? 
We know they are glued to the Polls. Was it decided that we just couldn't handle the truth of it?
When we consider the current political realm, dominated by a few players, with a fan base that is catered to, it becomes apparent that what we actually have here is a spectator based form of entertainment. The real stuff is done behind closed doors. The emergence of Stewardship as a major goal in the political arena puts the Litmus Test to all of politics, including a look at our Constitutional Provisions that were written before we knew about the Ecological rules of Occupancy.
As we have no federal agency charged with looking ahead several generations; it will be up to those elected leaders who see the big picture to break loose and find their voices. The Renaissance proposes a Healing from the inside out, and anyone can join. Spontaneity will be followed by careful thought and application. Politics exists on a sliding scale, from very bad, to very wise and productive. There will be players behind the scenes, enabling the makeover projects to move along.
Perhaps we should try different approaches in a few States, see what works, by going with a variety of approaches, say on, “gun control.” Now we have the worst of it, new approaches end up in Court costing everyone time and money. 
We could clear the table and use a new version of war room mentality, and search for what works the best, by valuing current experience over centralized planning. The present Congressional gridlock is the worst possible outcome, along with the hardened partisan positions and cynical attitudes amongst our citizens. 
We have a chance right here for a major step forward. Our President is well informed about, and sympathetic to the Lincoln Presidency. The President of Harvard University has studied and written about the, “Irrevocably committed positions adopted by the Representatives of our Northern and Southern States, thus sending the Country of into the hell of the Civil War. (See note)
We are faced with an urgent undertaking that the populace does not fully understand, It is ripe ground for the worst kinds of Political behavior. Citizens have and are coming forward help put things right on this Earth. 
Political activity is being called into the office and being given a most important mission of overseeing the massive transformation of our laws and procedures here in America. Our elected officials are expected to demonstrate the best of Politics, listen to the evidence, and then the concerns, and then undertake the assembling of compromises that spread out any duress, that are simple and straightforward.
Globally speaking, can the United States set an example of frugality and creativity that demonstrates the vitality to grasp the new, and the political will to achieve the shift from economic growth forever to Planetary Stewardship? 
All the world’s politicians find themselves in this Big Meeting. Kismet has brought them to office at this time of Global reanalysis. The people of this earth expect, and are relying on them, to do the right thing regarding the best course of action to manifest a fabric of vibrant civilizations. We stand ready to applaud their success.
The Economy
Riches and labor will be donated and taxes will be raised. Contractors will be paid and the impoverished will be supplied to build some of their own. I see a strong core, a relatively normal economy that ensures a flow of basic goods and services.
Perhaps rationing will be necessary. The voluntary and spontaneous initial efforts will eventually be supported by government programs, the media and foundations. Trades and exchanges will be computerized. “That works for me” will be heard around the world as individuals work it out. 
The history of the G-8 and G-12 gatherings provide a procedure and a setting for international financial affairs to be massaged into a process that enables, rather than retards, a compassionate Global Makeover.
Will it be necessary to restructure western capitalism? Some say yes. This Arising will not wait for the answer. I feel the challenges we will meet going forward and our responses to them will show the way for the new multifaceted economy. 
Instead of considering add-ons here and there, should we look at wholesale replacement? At some point the emerging mandate will link up with the in place forces of, ‘reform and overhaul.’ We will then have our own challenges of accommodation. The older in place groups and the newcomers will bring on a, “Dirty Tricks in the woods time.” The whole Country may ‘get religion’, and embrace this reorganization, however it is more likely that we will have a very active discussion for some time, while those that can make progress here or there will do so.
We know there will be a street economy, Then we will still have the one we pay taxes on at the stores. That big global one is beyond our direct reach We can let it be known that we expect the best for people and the Earth, rather than continued pampering and growth of the Capital Stock. 
What about having our own private money? ‘Local notes’ have been used as currency, printed by groups of citizens, at least on both coasts. An example; I want some labor to help me remodel my business. I pay them in Deli-Notes which will be good for sandwiches when the work is done.
It is widely agreed that small scale is better. The total energy footprints of our production and then distributing consumer goods could be greatly reduced. That energy needed to secure and ship raw materials, run the plant and distribute the bread, milk, and vegetables, literally all over the world, is huge. These footprints include as well a portion of the construction of new buildings and creating the transportation infrastructure to accomplish this. Will everyone eat cheese from the cows within ten miles of home? No, not right away, a trend will appear, we will move in that direction.
I am especially interested to see more local food options offered. I have a gluten sensitivity and I am managing my expression of diabetes. A regional bakery could really help me. If I had access to such a private ‘cash’ program, I would work weekends for two months to finance my first fifty loaves of bread along with ten dozen mostly friendly doughnuts!
Renaissance thinking will respond in dozens of other exciting ways, offering new approaches to great customer choices and service. I see clusters of small businesses to offer efficient shopping, a health clinic with bike racks, and bus stops and short term child care and . . . .
Armed Conflicts
All commanders of local conflicts and revolutions hold beliefs about what the world and their part of it is coming to, and they don’t like it. A few are as pirates, and some are in fact visionaries, encouraged by the historical acclaims given to the victorious. Still others are in the terrorist mold coupled with an enabling religious or cultural orientation. 
All are determined and represent the challenge to a peaceful Renaissance. “You have robbed us for years,” (And you have no respect for our views, nor our way of life.)
I believe it is possible for the world to change course enough to get the attention of these commanders and their supporters. I believe we should negotiate with them. Could we treat the next round of attempts at establishing truces in a new way, to see negotiations as finally bringing things to a time of Global Readjustment? The day is past to imagine all these forces surrendering unconditionally.
“We have a Global Makeover to accomplish.” Settle all present shooting conflicts at about the same time, envoys to all with the same offers, could we devise a process where it is admitted all around that everyone has a say in where we are headed? New thinking required, an example. Perhaps define a period for Countries and groups, those not shooting it out now, to register complaints, those grievances that one day might cause a war, then mediate them as best we can. Any armed aggressions after that would be regarded as a mutiny on a deep space vessel. 
The existing grievances being fought out now are real, they have a history, they shall be accommodated one way or another. Precedents are to be utilized, counted on, not feared. All affected parties can yield some.
The continued manufacture of offensive weapons is a very hardened issue. We will gain more from a showing of goodwill than trying to ban this or that. 
I admit to the possibility of being faced with such intransigeant forces that military responses would be called for. Can the whole world take a ‘cooling off period?’ I believe that could be arranged by putting “X, Y, and 
Z,” out on the table for all to see.
For those that are shooting it out, they could soon have an emissary standing by to come to the ‘Global Renaissance Truce Gathering.’ “We need all the resources going into wars and the preparations for wars for the Makeover, required to secure food and water for everyone. “We will mount these following programs.” Then list them. “A through Z benefits, for suspending operations. What would you like to add? Let’s talk about it.”
These continuing armed struggles serve to cheat us out of the cultural and scientific contributions that would have been made by those lost to these conflicts. Shattered lives are what’s to be avoided. A Renaissance will bring with it the compassion, the respect for due process, and the goodwill to see such unprecedented things done. Armed forces can be, in most cases, refocused to serve as a core of support that can be applied immediately to the tasks of relocation and rebuilding, once the weapons are put down.
Basic Ecology and Resources
In some fundamental way the very earth is, ‘the us,' of the future. It just is. We are of the earth, the earth yielded and contains us all, all who have come before are still here. We don’t own it, we are of it. We are all still here and the next ones are here already, in our genes, the air and our fields as well as in the water. 
You may have watched or read scenes where someone squats down and sifts the soil through their fingers. It may be that the person’s thoughts are about land ownership or crops to come, I have always seen it this other way, our story is in the soil, blessed by the Sun.
Stewardship of this planet is to become the norm. Perhaps we will even reprocess all landfills for hastily discarded resources, and to remove harmful chemicals. They represent portions of the earth that were given short shift early on, and short cuts taken in the manufacturing processes, and then materials discarded early by people with few options in a throwaway society. 
Every acre of land has a best use in the visions of our new diverse and sustainable supply systems. Recover prime farm land from urban sprawl, rebuild urban cores, plant even more trees in our watersheds, little gardens everywhere, especially by the neighborhood clinic with it’s exercise veranda. 
Every acre has two faces, a space for us to do something, and being part of a life support system within the ecosphere. “The land” is the basic resource. We have been all to quick to own it, and “put it to good use.” The remaining wealth of the earth will be applied to laying in a sustainable civilization. In many cases expectations will be recalled and recast.
Every acre is many parts of something bigger, the habitat for this one or that one, a slanted surface directing some portion of rainfall back toward the sea, and vegetation that offers water vapor up into the air, can you feel the process? I watch the Missouri and trace it’s watershed in my mind, do it the best I can. An acre is some forty-four thousand square feet, a square fifty paces to a side, a nice medium house lot. Room enough for a waterfall or a redwood tree, or a huge display of blossoms. Cherish each acre of our Homeworld.
Whatever we exhale someone else breaths. Our breath is ours and theirs, the same for everyone. We are related, linked, standing in a circle. Billie and I have purchased several Circle of Friends ceramic pieces, usually five people holding hands, with a candle in the middle, sometimes the figures are cats. Are similar pieces available in other cultures? What might convey the same message in Bolivia, New Zealand or China?
Sacrifices and Miracles
If you look forward to a good outcome you will have it. Some will experience more hardship and sacrifices than others. All will benefit from unpredictable and miraculous developments. For many, a new beginning born of collapse will be heaven sent. We will learn what is truly rewarding.
Individuals will find themselves welcoming new and challenging circumstances because so many unpleasant expectations and impositions will be lifted. The people of South Africa have shown the power of reconciliation and forgiveness. Mediation will be used in every quarter.
You will be called upon to comfort others. You will be challenged to speak up. You will find your place. 
The most important work will be with those people around you. Are you able to contribute to a good outcome? Will you be a pillar of strength? “This is why the glass at least half full,” you will explain. I have advised people, “Just relax, watch the movie, everything will work out just fine.” Testimonials have already been showing up about tragic circumstances that have opened the door to a new world. Fair to say courage is called for, and a willingness to try the new is a blessing. 
Quiet time is highly recommended, you may find what you need in Church, those Churches open for sitting are good, as is a park bench or a log in the woods. I have often advised those being pushed by the clock to stop in a parking lot on the way to work, take five minutes for yourself, and us who are reaching out to you. We need your glow, your contribution. These miraculous developments will come in all sizes. You will find a parking place “right there,’ and you will hear the announcement of a new program to introduce alternative healing modalities into the care of our Veterans.
Those big changes in our lives that would have been just terrible a few years ago will just slip from view. Some changes will come with immediate, and perhaps extreme hardship. At these junctures it is to be realized that something new and big is on the way to you. Many will receive lessons about slowing down. Remember to be in good humor and be able to accept the help that is offered.
Class and Culture
We all know our place in society, and most all of us accept it. A class society has an order to it, a Renaissance brings an explosiveness. You don’t quite know what to expect. We are seeing a realignment now. Displays of fear and hatred as well as cries of relief from those who have found their perfect place. Pain here and joy over there. Deep within, the Drivers of our culture, they are a shifting. 
Status will be defined differently. The entire intellectual arc that explains “how things work” will change. The current green wave is only the tip of the iceberg. What has been insightful may soon be as nonsense. The unimaginable of yesterday will become commonplace. Progress and stress; stress and progress. We will need our comedians more than ever. 
It is to be expected that the ingredients of chaos and uncertainty will appear to be overwhelming to a few. They will need our compassion and attention. Many will be called to cool the debate, bring facts to the table, urge caution, and be willing to step up and set an example. 
Those who might have felt constricted by not belonging in the past will find themselves on open and level ground. Creative content of any kind will stand on it’s own merits, regardless of where it comes from. Perhaps you have the hunch, the germ of an idea, that fits right in, perhaps the fit can’t be seen right now, give it a try, toss it out as an offering, into that River of Change.
Scan the paper for the unusual items, they have more to tell us than the bad news from the old days of, “If it bleeds, it leads.” Soon the headlines will be about Forest restoration, Refugee Camps closing, “No evictions in February.” And so on. A “Renaissance Culture” will evolve as the word spreads. Will this happen within that famous, “Rock solid middle class demographic?” Will it arise from those individuals of any class, those with a computer, and the knowledge and leisure to use it, will they be the Messengers and Organizers of this Arising? The organizers? 
Of corse it will be revolutionary in scope, and degree. For compassion to be shared, and for the Light to shine, we need a time of peacefulness and respect. The challenges and opportunities place us all in the same boat, or better, on the same train, shovel that coal!
Our common creator blesses us all equally. Can the religions of the world stand as one and support the human family as we take on the magnitude and scope of changes that we understand to be necessary? 
Can our religions agree on a unified Godhead, with different paths reflecting cultural, historical and theological evolution? When you bend down and sift the soil, is it not obviouse that the fertility is equally offered to everyone? 
We will have a hole in the Brotherhood of Humanity as long as we believe that one Religion or the other is more correct than this or that one. There are many paths. Many have said that The One Above and Within answers to many names.
Congregations all over the world do good work. They stand as a unified work force celebrating the universal lifting of the Spirit, in spite of the differing beliefs of their Churches. I see congregations as the reserves, standing at the ready, some doing community rebuilding work now. Their faiths lend a strength we will need. I see the Churches as a source of sacred balm for smoothing troubled waters. Grief, pain, anger and fear will we know. Sanctuary will be offered and taken.
What kind of a show of strength, visibly united, could the Churches of this town and that City and this world make to point the way toward a Universal Renewal of Spirit? Do what to mark an integrated commitment to the Stewardship of all Life upon this Earth? 
Take this message to your Minister, bring this call for Life forward, to triumph over fear and destruction, bring it into the Sanctuary, imagine the miracles that could be born there.
The Throwaways
Not talking bottles and cans here. We are talking people, animals and children. The issues of homelessness, slavery and more. These issues are, upon examination, worse than they appear to be. Individuals do indeed suffer, that is the surface part. These realities are also a pox on our basic humanity. The birth of this Global makeover will be retarded by our allowing such throwaway practices of our relations to remain. 
Throwaways are the dogs and cats without a home, and all those along the way down . . . through still homeless veterans to slave traders; also down a street near you, around the corner to our old folks living in isolation, as if used up and forgotten. 
Perhaps these blights cannot be removed overnight; however our mental health as a society depends on steady progress. Working for the elimination of such ‘throwaways’ will champion the emergence of this Renaissance.
Perhaps there is a class of actions and reforms that are best thought of as removing restrictions from the Arising. Right now we are suffering traumas of being pulled in two conflicting directions at once, on many fronts. 
This is called cognitive dissonance, it can be disabling for individuals, say whistle blowers, as well as for a country, look at immigration reform, or the long standing issue of the death penalty.
I illustrate such dissonance here because we have seemingly thrown away our ability to act on situations that are so repugnant, so terrifying to us, we would rather believe they do not exist. To remove the causes of our being immobilized by being repeatedly ‘short circuited’ is a priority. On a personal level now, if so effected you need to reach out to someone, it needs to be released, talked about. For the Country, call it what it is, “We have a grave matter to deal with, to pray and meditate upon. May we know His Grace as we reach for a solution.”
These individuals now with us as the throwaways will understand that we are coming for them, and we will all come to know and be able to say that these practices are to be stopped, as they show the worst of us.
Can you help with the self esteem of someone within your reach? Perhaps on your block, or even in your own family you will have a chance to build and restore. Next, turn it around and take care of the other half, yourself. Learn from those things that come to your attention. If you find yourself challenged by a situation, becoming angry with yourself or another, seek the help of those standing by for you. This Makeover needs your help, in any form you can offer.
All of those involved with these throwaway practices are placing a disrespect for life in our midst. They are holding secrets that, “Pollute the soul,” of themselves and all humanity. We all live with the same possibility of having secrets that are destructive to our souls. Every single one of us has the responsibility of keeping the world’s Global Soul bright.  (See note)
Music and Literature
The arts have seen the future, and we are doing our best to catch up. It is known that music can heal, words can embrace us and deliver hope. We have been serenaded and pleaded with for years. These creators and visionaries are not in the political realm. Quite simply, they just aren't. 
We are no longer living within complete and rounded out groups. We used to eat with those our lives depended upon. All pertinent information was the clans business. When we ate by the hearth of long ago we had a more realistic idea of what our survival depended upon than we do now. We have become compartmentalized, and desensitized, unaware of what is required to sustain us. 
I have often wondered if the real push behind the creative arts is an awareness of this missing part. We no longer think we should be on the alert for the unknown. The artist knows, and has so by become one of “Those people,” a Bohemian ‘drop out,’ and many progress on to become family disappointments, or even failures. Artists as a class have a message of beauty and new possibilities. They are calling implicitly for a shift in priorities. We will turn to them for support and encouragement. 
While the specifics of the emergence are not yet known, all the emotional challenges are covered in song and on the stage. There are many famous words and scenes for us to emulate, as well as others to see and hear as warnings, “This could happen to you, you know.” The arts can show us images of the future that can assist us, and remind us of the distance we have come.
Murals and sculptures, as well as those Music in the Park events, all stand in testimonial to our Universal agreement of their value; lifting us up to a view of our integrity and strength, to our abilities and accomplishments. 
It is held that chords are struck within the viewers, and we shall have more tempered, more compassionate Societies through our honoring the Arts. 
Our writers compose many novels and stories. Can we simply say that our authors wish to share their experiences as today’s storytellers? All finding a usefulness not offered by modern employments? All that remains of those who have gone before is their art, from cave walls to sculptures.

Part Five, Planetary Stewardship Alive
Global Stewardship is the focus of it all. This part begins to outline where the thumb nail sketches of Part four could lead us. We are headed for a makeover; just when is the question.
Our continued presence will stand as testimony that we did equip ourselves with governments, economies and cultures that put the well-being of our shared household first. The universal lesson, the major task of manifesting the full potential of a Global Makeover is personal responsibility. 
Whether you are repairing a car, or down in a ditch with pipes or wires, or in a lab gazing into a test tube, and you see the unexpected, you realize with a rush that something is wrong; all the world supports you in doing the right thing. At those moments it is as if the world turns to us, waiting to see if it is safe to proceed, that the damaged strut was repaired, the wrong size wire was pulled and replaced, and the chemicals in the lab were checked and properly labeled. These are also examples of having at a solitary, “At bat.”
It may also happen to you anywhere between the water cooler and the walnut conference table, you will find yourself at bat. You will have something to say that is very hard, perhaps even damaging to your reputation. Can you feel the support of the world to do what that moment requires of you? You do have this international support, as well as spiritual backup. Do the Work, that work that is pitched right down your alleyway! 
We have ongoing examples now of Stewardship being put into place, parcels of land are being tucked away, expanding enforcement of endangered species regulations, expanded efforts to protect woman and children from all forms of trafficking and slavery, and Global manufacturing standards designed to bring fairness and quality products. 
When we hold the whole earth as our object of concern we first see that the air and the waters circulate, here one moment, over there the next. In addition; soils, forests and mineral resources are not evenly distributed. 
Our civilizations have developed to this point without prior knowledge of the ecosphere that supports all life. This planet now features a collection of sovereign nations that reserve the right to do as they please with their portion of the planet. Corporations mine and harvest from the lands of the least and sell to the lands of the most.
I have an observation on America’s ascendance, offered to show where progress might lie, on the ‘fitting in’ of the United States. America is the world’s child, rather than the greatest nation ever. It would be wonderful if all the world were proud, rather than allowing us a begrudged existence; and just as well as for the U. S. to show some respect for the people and lands where this very successful American stock originated.
It could be said that North America was the last to go, to make the transition from a “vast tribal region,” to a modern civilization. The young country then grew rapidly into a dominating superpower. 
I offer the viewpoint that we can see a ‘gold plated perfect storm’ situation in United States history. Resource development here awaited the rapid application of all the technology developed around the world over the prior hundreds of years, then awaited a wave of self selected immigrants, also from around the world, equipped with a very focused collection of attributes that resulted in the United States jumping up and out upon the world stage, and now standing with mixed reviews.
This child of the world, now grown, sits in the drivers seat concerning planetary stewardship. It is to be remembered that America has two faces, the small town one, the one with parades and picnics on the fourth of July, and then the hungry look of the Multinationals living on Wall Street. Both with stealth bombers overhead. 
I don’t think we will have such bombers overhead when we have achieved cooperative Planetary Stewardship. It will have been agreed that we are not going to fight over remaining resources, nor pollute the ecosphere; instead all peoples will be manifesting the Homeworld Show.
We will soon experience the hue and cry of putting on the brakes, derailing past expectations, and then being confronted with far too much information. Then the Job will arise before us. At least six major areas of concern have to be integrated into a package that makes sense ecologically and politically. 
I was a bit player when then Governor Jerry Brown took on water law in California, the sacred cows just screamed and the devil loved those details! The proposed changes were not in a large enough context. The continuing viability of California's Great Central Valley was not on enough peoples radar back then. It is time to chew on the whole enchilada now, we have paid the price of admission, let’s get on with the show.
My six major areas are; Urbanization, water supplies, energy availability, land use policy, currency and finance, and world law, all will become mutually complementary as we yield to the goal of Planetary Stewardship. Standards and procedures will not be the same everywhere, they will have similar goals and safeguards.
A Diversified Web of Societies?
I just hate to see the TV version of “western” society become the norm around the world. At the moment Big money is chasing new markets. We are being taught to leave our fields and workbenches, to sit down and watch others having a good time; depth of local knowledge is being sacrificed for a dash of global generalities. 
Personal accomplishments are being set aside by the electronic allure of, just what is that anyway? The hypnotic glitz and glam of TV land? Can advertising be responsible to, and supportive of, the emergence of a Renaissance? Some have claimed we are racing toward oblivion in a shopping cart. 
What about an alternative future of human societies composed of cities, towns and villages, each with less energy per capita? And even nomadic settlements? Within a four hundred mile cross section there would be examples of each type, and the roads would reflect it. Big cities would be as modern as we can make them, towns would be like going back to, say, half the energy of today? Villages would be using even less and the nomadic settlements would be as hunter gatherers with some agriculture. What do you think?
To quite some extent we can have that very same energy diversity in our cities and towns of today. We can make it in our best interests to behave and consume responsibly. I've heard of being paid to stay out of jail and to do your homework, as well as lower insurance rates if you drive only a few hours a week, or don’t drive at all. Bikes, busses and trains for more and more people will be the norm.
Today’s zoning sensibilities assumes we are all heading for the same grand conclusion. It doesn't have to be that way. What is suburbia? Is it only a place to get to work from? I have seen first hand the mountains of alternative Urban Planning literature generated by our Universities and housing studies, as well as many European proposals. Social Scientists have long hoped to ‘build in’ human well being by arranging our Cities just so. Modern auto driven suburbia has proven beyond the control of the permitting processes, and unwilling to listen to academic recommendations. We have defaulted ourselves into a corner now with built in high costs of the commuting and servicing of these expansive neighborhoods. We know how to be much more self-contained and diverse, with smaller, lighter footprints.
Within such a diverse scheme of settlements we could raise our kids with old times barnyard chores, or be as natives for a while, have a life instead of a career? The choice could be ours. I’ll bet more than a few would raise their families in the country, move to town for the High School years, and then as Seniors later on they might choose a super city, cars parked at the gate, nothin’ but little trains, belts and elevators; Rocket City and the Trading Post. Yahoo!
You know, as long as we are having some fun, how about this. Could we bring gaming out into the real world and have alternative economies, even societies? For starters, the full welfare choice would feature the ‘Swedish Model’ with 50% taxes, no fooling around with deductions, and very good benefits, or you can be in the ‘on your own’ model with few taxes and few benefits? How far can we take this? We can do what we can imagine, it will just take some time to work it out. What do you want to try?
The basic question here is energy for whom, where? To do what with it? Of course the rebuilding will require fuel, a priority use for major projects. Who decides? Fuel hybrid cars in our major cities now, or tractors and light industry in the developing world? 
The best response for now is to focus locally. Examples; Billie and I live in a mobile home park, it is actually a collection of manufactured homes dreaming of being a little Village. We could set up a shop in a vacant unit and prefab solar roof panels, they could serve as awnings over decks, front doors and porches. 
We use to live in Truth or Consequences New Mexico (long story) where the city owns the local electric power distribution system of poles and wires. It is a snow bird town to some extent. Solar electric panels could be installed on these seasonal homes and others, giving the city a local source of power and some of those meters would even go backwards. 
The work could be done by trained local crews, working as a barn raising, everyone offering what they can, ice tea to layout.
How much big city grease is still thrown out, that could be used for diesel fuel? Most likely more than we can imagine. With some planning and a little dough to get started we can use this “waste” to fuel the soup kitchen so they could collect foods from around town and then either ladle it out or deliver it through the meals distribution network.
Many residential developments share a pond or lake, and even if they don’t, my understanding is they could still make cooperative use of the earths steady temperature for more efficient heating and cooling. 
Contractors would do this type of work. Start on the path that is before us. Flow ahead with the push of success.
Nuclear, or hydro, or solar, oh my. What to do? Could electrical energy ever be a Global Utility? Is that where we are headed? Nuclear does offer advantages it must be admitted, however it requires much careful work on the front end as well as the back end. It is a nonrenewable resource, right? Then it is only of limited use? How long is that, who knows?
Shall we burden ourselves with such a world wide sprinkling of Faustian mausoleums? Nuclear is here now in any case. On and on we go.
How do we separate the energy suppliers street fight from the information we need to determine what is really the best plan for our long term interests? We are so use to standing in our own compartments and speaking only when spoken to. The ranks of the retired are a rich seam. You folks are not through yet. Many amongst us are not in the drivers seat, however they can still contribute to sorting this out. 
For instance University Presidents can assemble a team representing the beginnings of the Grand Scheme of how urbanization and land use, water and energy, global finances and world law can merge into an integrated whole. Let’s look at a dozen such models. Start finding the pieces that work right away with some vision as to how they fit into the completed Global Makeover on down the road.
It is interesting to ponder energy applications. It is obvious it would be easier to electrify railroads than heavy duty construction equipment. Liquid fuels are best here, and solar would go over there. 
What is not thought about, should similar fuel priorities be set for the manufacturing processes? We have forced ourselves into short term behavior by focusing on the bottom lines of today. Some will argue it serves us well. Somehow the picture is not complete. Where is such shuttered ‘bottom line’ competition taking us? 
For example, as ‘affordable’ petroleum supplies dwindle, should we reserve those stocks that are best utilized for fertilizers, medicines and other products? Don’t just burn them up in the cars and planes of today; supplies for almost seven billion people and growing, save how much for how long? Do we need to crush rock and make more soil? Will we ever need to do that? Do we have any idea what we will need to equip us with the means for space travel? 
International Finances
At this moment in time national currencies fluctuate to quite a degree in value when compared one to another. In addition Global optimism about wealth generation has led to massive debt. 
The good news is we will have to work together for a solution. This will involve everyone taking their medicine. The United States has publicly said, “No medicine for me, we are going to have a fast recovery and we will soon return to normal rates of growth.”
International finance offers a special window on the future. We get a view of what we could call the end game. Continued development of and for the wealthy will transition to a Global steady state of sustainability. Soon, repair and replacement of what we have built will loom large. New construction and additional industrial capacity should initially serve the world’s emerging societies, allowing them to make it on their own.
From the perspective of economic growth coming into alignment with ecological realities, I see a time when the challenge will be how to apply the brakes evenly, to nationalistic, socialistic, and free market economies alike, so as to avoid a very argumentative, and perhaps, hard landing. This is the moment now to look ahead, plan the recovery, and rebuild, with a wise eye on the longer term future. At some point down the road, it will be said, “We own it free and clear.” Will we be invited to ‘burn the mortgage’ parties?
In the short term, most believe the developing world needs and deserves assistance. How much for how long? There may be an implicit understanding in the hallways of World Finance meetings, however it is not common knowledge. The cynical view would be, this is being done to jump start markets, the new gigantic market’ that will soon. or were supposed to, develop soon.
My kindred souls would pronounce the point mute as we must attend to Global maturity, moving toward establishing population limits and agriculture preserves in the same way we are talking about limiting greenhouse gases. Again, this is our wake up call, at some point we will be all through with the Global Monopoly game, we will simply be living normal lives on our beautiful Homeworld, rather than counting on huge economic expansion for generations to come. 
Dealing with economic recovery and ecological rejuvenation today, will result in traditional economic growth, today; this is best done within a unified plan to heal Global inequities, rather than accelerate them, with an dye on Tomorrow. After the Boom times of a Global makeover, we will stand in a new and different theater of operations. It will be time to slow down and perfect our position for the long term.
Land use
We now speak of our expanding Cities as approaching “build out.” This is an urban planning term, used to define the final boundaries of a single urban development as well as an entire City. All the land beyond these limits is seen as required for open space, a transition to agricultural ares, necessary water sheds, and so forth. 
This term is now expanded from local to Global application by the need to speak of the coming “build-out” of the entire planet. We are faced with evaluating the planets ability to sustain eight billion people at least. In a lifestyle similar to the middle class of Norway or Costa Rica. That is the major question about our future that awaits this generation and their children. We have delivered ourselves to the gates of science fiction, and into the jaws of the Entropy Law. (See note)
Longer term future advancements will not be marked by new construction and say, more consumption per ten-thousand population. We will have completed Phase One of the physical colonization of Earth. Those longer term advancements will feature polishing our new Homeworld in every way,  education, healthy vigor, and restored habitats, as well as becoming energy efficient, and more.
Back to the street again, there is just not enough ‘room’ for todays expressways of progress to continue for much longer. In the very short term the Rework activities will be confronted with temporary issues such as staging areas, as well as camps for construction workers and reclamation crews. These can be handled at the local level now. Then, there will be a shift to building anew, those things that have a role in establishing our basic Global sustainability ,will have first call on remaining resources. 
These projects will cover the spectrum, from solar powered water reclamation, to completion of seed banks; all of which can be done with sophisticated equipment and labs or by hand and a  well planned marsh.
Eminent domain will become a coordinated Global issue. At the moment in the United States we have a system featuring a host of players that results in “new land” becoming available for development every year. Presently those short automobile trips we take out into the countryside are a tour of the lands that might well be urbanized next. 
Banks are in place, ready and expected to lend money soon for their development, now slowed a bit, are we making the turn already, toward Stewardship? Are we just so, off balance that we will literally fall into place? 
The real estate community has been busy selling the farms and ranches that the annexation and zoning processes have targeted. To slow and even reverse this process has been unimaginable in the past. “That’s just the way it is.” Is there always room for hundreds if not thousands of new houses, complete with malls and ever bigger super markets? How many acres of agriculture does one more Billion people require? We are speeding toward seven, could we stop at eight Billion? Perhaps we need even more land than we have now. At some point we will be starving people in that other place by building houses on the “open land” over there.
From my experience with LAFCO, the Local Area Formation Council in California and the use of Negative Declarations, and commenting on Environmental Impact Reports; It can be said that in America we do not have the laws to protect “the long term general welfare.” It needs to become legal to look after our own survival. Adding to the Constitution has been considered, and at the United Nations awareness has moved toward alarm, we can expect more frankness, in spite of the stumble over climate change. We are paying a dear price for not teaching more about the tender loving care of our home world.
Water is constantly on the move from the ocean or puddle, to the sky and back to the ground, bringing life to flowers and redwood trees, and all who walk, swim or fly.
Transpiration of water vapor from trees and flowers; eliminations from animals and birds, releases moisture to start water’s return trip to the ocean, life’s reservoir. Water, salt and fresh, is the lifeblood of the planet. 
We all know the expression, “We are what we eat.” And drink, should be added on to it. The oceans serve to clean the water before it returns to us as rain, and the oceans also supply us with oxygen. 
The billions of tons of phytoplankton living in the planets oceans are the leading source of net oxygen production. In spite of our absolute dependance upon the planets ocean’s they have become the sewers of last resort.
Our every breath and swallow has come at least partially from the ocean. We live by the air and waters of the sea, that grow the fruits of sunbeams that bless our lands. Water and world law are linked by the lungs and thirsts of all humanity. We all breath to live and we live to breath.
Restraint is one of those Re words, Will we, nation by nation impose restraints on dumping into rivers, marshes and bays? How much Global muscle is needed? Europe has much more experience with this issue of river pollution as many Countries share one watershed. How clean should the river be when it flows into the sea?
The challenges of providing clean urban water and sewers for the cities, towns and villages of the developing world are absolutely stupefying. We may determine we can no longer flush our sewers with fresh water to central locations. Could we process it and pump it back for a grey flush? Fire hydrants along the way? Collect black wastes and poisons in another way? Much to do here. More to come. 
Some grass clippings end up as compost, some are ‘rotted’ back into the lawn. Is there another option? Did not a University do a study of moveable cages with rabbits to “mow the lawn?” Goats? What are the options here to get more than just, the lawns ‘good looks.’
World Law
Did the United States just refuse to join or recognize the World Court? We expect others to behave while we can do no wrong? Issues of amnesty and sovereignty are just ahead of us. 
Perhaps the first step on the way to that demonstration of International Goodwill would be the embracing of the World Court.
What of the death penalty, could we agree to send each others Nationals home, perhaps never to return, there to serve a Universal Life Sentence for taking a life abroad? 
Such a convention would be an accomplishment that speaks to the necessity of reaching better working agreements between Nations. This is an example of always looking for points of progress, and being able to take the publics support for granted within a Renaissance tempered moment. 
At this time World Law, or it’s absence, supports commerce. Humanitarian and environmental protections are as ants to these elephants of Commerce. You could say we grew up plundering, became very good at it, and have been successful in converting those episodes into the International framework of how things are done. Global commerce is now the King, the palace upon the graves of . . . . We can all complete it for our own lands and peoples.
What is the end game? What can the losers expect? 
With one hand we still rob them, and with the other we send them condoms and nut paste. This has most recently been the case in Africa. It must be duly noted that our Global response to Haiti was and continues to be a demonstration of our Humanity applied. It also demonstrates the huge burdens we have expected them and others to carry in silence, and the huge costs to the treasuries of the world as we do our best to put things right.
I see a germ of a plan here. Let us speed the evolution of a Global, level economic playing field. Suppose we advanced an international proposal to adjudicate the extraction and exportation of raw materials. It would assure the value added activities such as the milling, smelting, casting, sewing, and at least some of the manufacturing, would take place in the country of origin.
Perhaps this would be some of the first Home World Law efforts focused on elevating those pockets of poverty that are now utilized by others as a ‘natural resource’ of cheap labor. 
How about we guarantee every Country unfettered access to the sea? A new Global Commerce of Stewardship would establish business ties that slow hostilities, build alliances. Such as Somalia needs a business, a product, what could be processed and made there? 
The ransom dollars would go farther for all if they funded some start ups. Who can step in with the know how to make this happen?
World law will require a future of more equal trading partners. Chief Justice Douglas of the US Supreme Court believed in and wrote that world trade should be between equal economic partners. (See note)
It is still a good idea, the point is, the worlds major players have advantaged themselves all these years, creating wealth at the expense of others, rather than do what is now widely seen as the right thing to do. 
We need International controls on chemicals used in manufacturing and agriculture as these foods and products are being spread around the world. Such regulations will be slow to implement as the posture now is one of secrecy and intrigue. There would be no such exploitation if such practices were both culturally taboo, and illegal on a Global scale. 
National demonstrations of goodwill are essential. I believe the major Global players have in effect received pardons for earlier periods of plunder, from todays regimes in the developing world. 
These countries have settled for half a loaf and stand by in rags as their resources are harvested, dug up and shipped out. The Corporations share responsibility with their home base country, “Thanks for the new tax revenue,” moreover, what about the Country that is exporting, “Selling out their people?” It is what it is. The truth will out, the new balance will be achieved. 
Politicians, land owners, corporate executives, and government leaders are being called out to take center stage, a new perspective is here to support them as they accept the new mandates, rather than to prosecute them. On the other hand a sea change implies movement, and the river of change will not be pushed aside, not by anyone. Compassion and forgiveness are called for all around. A Renaissance is Arising, with ample opportunities to change course. What of rising oceans, warming and melting? These issues will be in our courts soon enough. Tim Flannery makes the point that our destructive weather events will shift from, “Act’s of God,” to the, “Act’s of Man,” in his book, The Weather Makers. (See Note) 
Part Six, Finding Your Place
Participation in the ReWork has to do with Human integrity. These projects are restorative physically and emotionally. They feed strength of character into the host culture. Accomplishments build Global pride, and this yields a unified family of common purpose. 
Your Emergence
The four following categories are points of entry into the Renaissance and are mentioned to illustrate how thousands of people around the globe have already stepped forward, and are contributing now. This is a quite obvious list, however it is a loaded one for a few. 
You may have assigned yourself to a role in life where you are functioning in a capacity that does not reflect your true self, nor your abilities. You can break out right here, right now. Self-esteem and new friends await you. What has come to your attention lately? You may very well have ‘stumbled over’ what would be just the ticket for you, and out of habit, you just went right on by. 
The best advertising is word of mouth, and so it is for revealing the emerging Renaissance. Talk to your friends, experience their reaction, as well as your response. You can do this on your own schedule. 
Say it your own way, of coarse you can quote what is here, or refer to, “A writer who believes in a new Renaissance.” Take the word to groups that are already doing Renaissance Chores, and they will join with you in ‘talking it up.’ 
You can take it to any level, from casual conversation, through business cards with a slogan, to E-mailing, or even ad buys. Perhaps you have access to someone or a group of people, say Rotary or Toastmasters, take it to a member, suggest a presentation. Your way of putting it will be more important to your friends and relatives than these pages. My immediate plans are noted in the Appendix. (See note)
An organizer works with anything from a gathering in a home, a Church or a conference. Of the four points of entry into such a Renaissance, the organizer has the widest perspective. Spreading the word is an obviouse first step. The ReWork wont begin until something is repaired, or built anew. What to do? Ask an Organizer! This person has more ideas than birds have feathers. They often need a sidekick, someone to bring a talent the organizer never had the time to gather up, or a calming voice to help maintain an even keel. A good pairing up is a sight to behold. Just say to them, “It can’t be done.”
Let’s say your interests include fresh, local food, and your organizer self needs a project. You are new in town, where to begin? First survey existing Farmers Markets, talk to venders. By definition the Organizer takes the available pieces and places them into an arrangement that will function successfully.
To assist an existing Farmers Market find the weakest link and offer to improve it. This may be anything from parking to publicity. Nutrition is the payoff, however soil husbandry and energy savings are noteworthy issues. There is probably at least one aspect that has escaped attention. Ask, what is missing here? It may be food buyers for groups of people, say caterers, “Has anyone approached them?” And then again, it may be that no one has hooked up Four H talent with the needs of an aspiring farmers market. 
Put the right pieces together and it will work. Some Farmers Markets have more than food booths, also entertainment, does that aspect need a push? 
If a farmers market does not exist now, start with the City to see where one might fit in, and learn if there has been one in the past, what happened? Talk with the reporters, this is an established issue, they will know a few names to get you started.
As the message rolls out new types of gatherings will become possible. “Salons” have been used in the past in a social sense, now we are seeing similar formats in networking and job hunting. The internet has sites that feature facilitation of the like-minded to attend a ‘meet up,’ or post it on your Internet wall or a bulletin board. 
Put out a call for all those interested in making up and shipping out Survival Appliances. (Add prior mention page numbers.) Someone has to stand up and give the signal! The Organizer will do it, by golly. I like the concept of casting a wide net, find your access providers, find your working crew.
My old romantic side likes the format of a Salon, you could just drift through, listen to the music, see what turned up. I see the new version as organic, and yet having a posted agenda. A two or three chambered space would be best, the room with a microphone for the ‘meeting’ part; and the ‘hallway’ part where the buzz is going on, with a combination of standing and sitting, and then refreshments with seating if you wish. The key would be the Boards. Organizers sign in over here with their projects, Workers can find where their skills are needed and so on. Maybe even a place where suggested agenda items could be posted. 
Are you the one who will Arise, and demonstrate how to do this in the modern age with all the tools and procedures available now. The intention is to assemble teams that get things done. Every metropolitan region is awaiting that first convening.
The workers are the backbone of all ReWork activities. This is the best place to stand and take a look around. It is also the least demanding as it is affordable and you can determine your own schedule.
Some worker-bees just seem to take refuge in the work, others tend to be quite effervescent and a pleasure to work with. If you have special training, or are licensed, these abilities are indeed valuable ways for you to serve. 
You may prefer to volunteer that skill, rather perform it professionally. I have especially appreciated the recycling volunteers of years ago who took an interest and helped develop the apparatus and processes that allowed us to handle large tonnage's of paper, cans and bottles in Modesto California. (See note)
When you report in to an established project you will see an in place etiquette of who does what when, so watch for a while, be slow to offer changes in routines. Go with pure labor for a while and don’t make any promises. It should be pointed out that you don’t have to build Habitat houses or send your blood to Haiti to make a difference.
Many of our parks and trails have a, “Friends of a ‘such and such’ group.” They are in need of able bodied workers for pick and shovel work as well as phone answering and hosting. Ever thought of volunteering at the Zoo? The idea is to start, ask about other things going on when you get there. You may wish to bring a friend along for a time or two. 
In some cases you will find yourself face to face with a project, say repairing a fence. You may well end up recruiting more help and spending fifty bucks on materials. Most will experience an, “All is in perfect order,” experience as things just fall in place, Nancy cancelled her vacation, you bumped into a neighbor and she offered to sit with your two dogs on Saturday, so on and so forth.
The scale of any effort is determined by the budget. Sponsors have a choice between applying funds to local projects they can observe, and possibly take some role in, or sending the money in to headquarters. Labor and funds are both needed. 
The Not for Profit Community is very layered, and diverse, as well as sophisticated. In some cases it may be better to give the project the needed object, from utility trailers and storage space, to office equipment or even a new rug. All parties are involved in creating the trust that is required for the ReWork to go forward. New sponsors can also pledge a monthly amount.
Sponsors have a golden opportunity to alter how things are accomplished by funding alternative ways of getting the job done. For example, a ‘sponsor’ could buy a shipment of solar panels for the nonprofit medical clinic to achieve reduced overhead, promote the manufacturer, create TV with a documented success story, and provide the sponsor with a write off. In addition we have a push towards the re-prioritization of energy sources. 
Once we have moved well into this first phase of, “Renaissance” becoming a household word, we can imagine all kinds of hybrid projects coming along. Urban cores are now seen as literally going green, small roof top plots and block size community gardens, occasionally at schools and jails. 
The scale of it all is about to burst forth into becoming a major source of food. Community scale canning and freezing technologies are due next. What about washing some of the still whole recovered bottles and jars for local refilling, creating a new business.(Add a Note)
Let’s say a choice piece of property adjoining a State or National Park would make a wonderful visitors center. It could be bought, the structure completed and then given to the Park. Most likely this would be done by a group that included messengers, organizers, sponsors and workers. There is no telling of the ways one could step into being a sponsor. 
Americans have a rich history of Philanthropy, as well as many successful fund drives and pledge nights. One could figure out the “normal” ratio over the years of total capital assets available to donated funds; It may be that a five fold increase is in the range of the work that is to be done soon. 
Such efforts will necessarily hire people and contractors, supplies and materials will be bought. Will the ‘hundred-millionaires’ join the Billionaires and push half of their wealth forward? The workers are available, put the funds into circulation. 
The priorities will change, from more golf courses to urban truck farms, from redoing a mall to affordable housing, from a new hospital to one hundred health maintenance clinics. 
Diverse partnerships are required, large private/public as well as small local efforts that fold in private with not for profit, whatever works on a case by case basis. As always, money talks the loudest, sponsors are the new pioneers who can pull together custom teams and get things done, now.
All the above will need a “vehicle” to move on out with. This can be as simple as an address with a business license in the right Zone, say light industry; an example, you probably can’t make Forest Stoves in the parking lot of a dry cleaners. In other cases a corporate shell will be required to move ahead. Non profits can serve as a vehicle for pass through grants for those projects that are aligned with the organizations incorporated purpose. In some cases the ‘vehicle’ itself will be the key to allowing a project to move ahead. 
All of this can be hashed over at such gatherings as Renaissance meet-ups, which can be open to the public, or could be convened by and for a large Church, or within a business.
Part Seven, The Work of It
The doing of the Work has two dimensions. The part that can be photographed, and that other part that cannot be weighed or counted. A Renaissance has both. Give yourself a smile as you pull your boots on, the world is expecting you.
Focused Achievers
The ambassadors, manifestors and the initiators of this Renaissance will initially be a ‘fresh crop,’ of concerned individuals. Along with a fresh workforce we shall have a new way of defining what a Global Makeover project is made of. Categories of these new-day ‘first-responders’ are offered to show you how individuals will migrate into the ReWork tasks. Each group will bring a different set of energies, skills and resources. 
The ideal is to bring about innovative projects that involve all the stakeholders in both past and any existing standoffs. Let’s use rain-forest preservation as an example. Clear cutting and mining as well as poaching are big problems with clearly defined ‘sides.’ In the United States we sponsor the preservation of the habitat for migrating water fowl with the sale of Duck Stamps, ten dollars and up. What if we had a similar global fundraising effort for the rain-forests, millions upon millions of dollars worth of “Rain-forest Stamps,” sold world wide. And then, even, “Endangered Species Stamps.”
It could be that a student knows another student who has an Uncle who is involved with this very efficient Government program. The discussion begins and very soon the idea has caught up with someone who attended the recent United Nations discussions of Rain Forest Conservation. Goals were established, now waiting on Nation by Nation funding commitments. Funding that is independent of this traditional route is as available as we believe it is. It could be handled by one of several international associations of students, or even by the U. N., or those good folks who issue them now? Who knows where that front door is? Or the back door?
Who has the next piece. Many groups could sell such stamps, these Duck Stamps have been carefully cultivated, are now valued collectables Could they even be sold within one of those Internet Games? Now that would be a Breakout!
Students of any age, and those adults who have chosen to increase their knowledge in any subject or skill are future oriented. It is an interesting exercise to ponder the different futures envisioned by our students, learners and seekers of all stripes. It would be enlightening to listen in as the Oil Spill is being discussed in high school classes. Do you suppose that our young students have read that the adults have stolen their future,? referring to financial matters and environmental destruction. We could tell them,“You do have a better chance than most to get your hands on the helm, out there on the river of change, and set a new course.” 
During my student days at 1968 UC Berkeley, I was as an older student, married with three children, my perspective was initially detached from the angst of the street. Student protests have a long history. Years later, as a Professor of psycho-linguistics perhaps, I would have studied the music that was popular during the global cycles of student turmoil. “If adults would have only listened.” 
I suggest that ‘students’ develop a special sensitivity to those people and regions broadcasting “signals” of highly energized emotions. This may be as a ‘knocking on the door’ for attention. If this ‘knocking’ is related to what is being studied the student will at least be distracted, if not “radicalized”. In 1968 the source of such emanations was Viet Nam and the birth pains of Earthday.
I remember hearing comments over the years to the effect that, “The students in Berkeley, “Had a bug up their ass!” 
I also remember hearing from many students who did not take part in the Viet Nam demonstrations, that they felt guilty about it, they did feel the call. Any unrest in the streets reflects a very real out of balance condition, certainly not a you know what. To sit as a student is to be in a rare atmosphere, read well indeed, the big questions might show. 
We need you to become experts regarding the Earth’s vital sign’s, besides running a fever. “What are this Planet’s health care procedures?” Will you be prepared to help accomplish what was stumbled over forty years ago? 
That is one of the roads to your Self-esteem, our Global Stewardship, and the Integrity of all Humankind. 
If you are a college student headed for a Masters or a Thesis, take a good look for a paper that would be , “Renaissance Class.”
Start with questions, such as:
A What are the vital questions and issues before us?
B Which of these ‘needs to know,’ can you speak to?
C Whose phone numbers/E-mails will you need, do you have them?
Individual Initiators
As the Age of Aquarius ascends, it’s properties will become manifest through individual initiative. You may be called, as I was to write these words. A few will be able to remember when that occurred. Others will find themselves gravitating in a new direction. “It just seemed like the best thing for me to do.” This shift does not need hours of consideration by those who come forward. Most will not have seen these words. Some readers later on will have heard talk of a Renaissance, and these words will be as a release for them to change course.
There are three major arenas to work in. The Biosphere, the outdoors, Global society, the people, and human Habitat, the structures that offer us comforts of home. We do have one more, a research arena over by the back wall. In many cases work can done unofficially. For instance the Biogeochemical cycles function without knowledge of whose land or lake we are focussed on. If you want to plant Milkweed for Butterflies, go find some suitable acreage, obtain permission and plant. Human focussed assistance is welcomed, wherever it comes from. If you want to open up a free Bar-B Q every Saturday, or bring Volley Ball nets and balls to the park, then do it. 
You will be putting yourself on notice to demonstrate responsibility. ‘Draft’ some friends to help. Involve a close by Church, or just hang out, let the word spread. Form a Collective, a group of dedicated like minded individuals.
I recognize that not everyone will be equally blessed with the personal circumstances to become involved in such undertakings. All “Renaissance” oriented people are holding a vision of positive outcomes for everyone. 
If you are not able to move out in that way, for anyone of a dozen reason, will you do the same for those involved in this Makeover effort? From your Military Unit?, from your three part time jobs? Even from jail? Do that which is within your reach. Your visualization of a successful Makeover has tremendous power.
These continuing examples of projects are provided to offer stimulation rather than my thoughts on the main things to accomplish. The physical accomplishments, those forest stoves, the donated blood, etc, are one part of The Work. The other is your contribution on an energetic level, adding your personal soul’s spices to the soup we all live by. 
I have toyed with this particular idea off and on for forty years. I tossed it out on occasion but provided no framework for it to grow on. The Internet now is ready to help. I am proposing Social Action Contracts between individuals. Let us imagine that you have not donated blood yet. You can say to your E-mail list, or your Face book friends, “I will donate blood on a regular basis if six of you will join me.” What about foster homing pets? Could there be a Global noxious weed terminating club? Post pictures and tweet it about!(See note)
This mechanism can be used in any way you can imagine. Seven to take the bus, three to drop in a cool million to sponsor shamanic healing work for our veterans, so forth and so on.
Call people world wide who share your last name and form a clan of individuals who walk the dogs at the Animal Shelter. Move on to foster homing, or taking animals out to help heal veterans and children. Hells bells, print up a T-shirt! “The Mackenzie's are now walking the dogs in X, Y, and Z cities.” Share pics and stories. 
I have often started discussion groups, usually meeting in our homes. Share your stories of who you had a smile with, met up with, received or gave a kindness. “Have any of you ever experienced paying it forward?” Billie and I have now experienced both ends of this kindness at grocery stores and in one coffee shop.
Many people regard themselves as being ‘on the shelf’ for one reason or another. You are stuck indoors. The efforts that others are making should not go seemingly unappreciated. If you feel that way, and come across a good news piece on the Net, or in a magazine write them a letter, or drop a postcard. Think of recreating the ‘village atmosphere’ we all used to share. We used to talk with each other. Thank them for the good work they are doing, ask if they feel that a Renaissance is coming. You might have a friend who would help you look for such super citizens tales, and get your letters mailed or posted on the net. 
In addition it is easy to see that reporters and journalists would like to hear from their readers and viewers. It is the same for anyone who did a fine job, even the Gardner who takes care of the plantings around the sculpture in front of the Library, mention it at the front desk at least, if not inquire what fertilizer he or she uses. 
We just assume we all have ‘a job’ that no else cares about. When you receive good service, tell the manager, when you receive poor service tell . . ..Yes, we need to live as the family we are.
You can also start your own Harmony Circle that goes around the earth. At first it will be enough to find someone to the west or east, or for that matter, north or south, who feels as you do about the desirableness of a modern day Renaissance, and who will tell others. They would in turn continue onward with another link until the circle returns to you, and you then send out the concluding announcement. Once such a concept catches on, initiators could be more and more specific. Could we find a Renaissance Circle of Harmony, and all the participants have a different religious faith? 
We could find Pen Pals in those countries we are warring upon, the Internet is tearing down the barriers between us. We are refusing to respect the old boundaries of ‘proper and correct.’ Follow your heart. 
My first Harmony Circle will link up Professors and Instructors of environmental education for public school teachers and so forth. 
Then I will find people interested in receiving a deck of my Animal Totem Cards, on the condition that they use them, sign them, and pass them on in a similar way, what fun that will be! (See Note)
A Spread the word.
B Contribute, your blood, time, skills, resources.
C Purchase as if the World depends on it.
Community Groups
Softball teams to quilters, any kind of group can take up a ReWork task. For instance we now have a wheel chair ramp built by Building Together, Liberty Missouri. The workers were from the same church. More teams are needed, they were funded through stimulus money, additional local matches are possible on the Net, or at the, “Renaissance Meet Up,” it would be posted, “We are ready to go to work on painting a seniors house, will you and others match our five hundred dollars worth of pledged labor? 
Meet “Mrs Jones” who is 73 years old and lost her husband last year” . . . and so on. These types of assistance can be given on an add hock basis or formally with an official program that accounts for insurance and liability concerns. 
Churches as a class hold the greatest potential. If we assume that congregation members know each other well, then discussing the big issues, that herd of elephants in the room, is quite possible. “What actions can we take as part and parcel of our living and growing together?” Then, the Makeover can be discussed and answered within the strength of a tight little community. There is much more to do than those issues of the Bible driven pulpit. 
The possible conflict between your churches welfare and the taking on of outside projects should be discussed openly. To identify competing priorities, and define a course of action is part of living it through.
Local organizations have a very strong Messenger possibility open to them. Once the group commits, the members can learn and reach out as team members. Veterans groups have power as they have the only fraternity of it’s type. They are long suffering and soon to expand as we bring home our troops from overseas. 
There could be an increased visibility, brought about by us civilians desiring a more up front showing of TLC for all of them, for those older ones left under the bridge, as well as those with fresh wounds. You may be one of those who will work to build a more visible Veterans Community that would have a speakers bureau, fund raising, local clinics, and so forth. Are you pulled in this direction? Your softball team could be the nucleus of a new community effort. The welcome home is up to us, not the corridors inside the beltway.
The thousands of self help groups that meet regularly have tremendous potential to reach out to other similar groups around the world, share stories, methods and approaches, every single bond of friendship is a step toward a world at peace. Bring the time of The Great Global Makeover forward. 
A Solicit local Makeover projects for the agenda.
B Recruit, and obtain needed supplies.
C Publish Renaissance awareness materials.
National Non-Profits
Groups such as Nature Conservancy, and the Red Cross have much to offer, reservoirs of professional talent, many ‘can do skills,’ resources of many kinds, and some of these groups are already on the ledger as fully committed to the same future that this “Renaissance,” is Arising with now. Some people regard these organizations as almost ‘weird,’ “They are socialistic,” or some claim, “The profit motive is needed to do good efficient work, these non profits are very sloppy.”
One school of thought has it that we need three distinct operational hubs; first would be our elected government and those hired and appointed, second would be the private sector offering us goods and services, and then we have that poor relative, the “Not for profits.” These organizations serve most dramatically as the clean up crew for a society that is proceeding in a reckless manner, scattering wounded about. They have taken on many responsibilities that are now woven into our society; Universities and Boy Scouts stand in a neutral corner and concentrate on doing good work. 
The Renaissance can’t wait for a better naming of this very important ‘hub’; as it is destined for a major role. 
It is sponsor friendly, and penetrates all aspects of our civilizations. They have access to jails and pet shelters as well as refugee camps and natural disasters. By definition they are not in it to turn a profit for owners and shareholders. Only success matters. 
Herein we will see an Executive level involvement as well as a Chapter by Chapter response. They will welcome the chance to shine, they are a powerhouse that stands apart from the political process and can undertake some of the bigger projects immediately, while hundreds of chapters are at the ready locally. In addition we have Co-ops and a sprinkling of hospitals and more who may put on a more activist face to move things along.
The thing all these efforts have in common? We are reaching for a tipping point, the Global realization that we are indeed a proud Family of peoples, and all our relations that walk swim or fly. We are committed to the welfare of all our members. 
A HQ staff evaluation of “Renaissance” opportunities.
B Print advisories for local Chapters. 
C Originate new programs.
A Mixed emotions at local level
B Increase in volunteers
C Expansion of programs
Small Businesses.
My Billie and I had a ‘yogurt parfait break’ a while back, the corner we looked out from was decorated with three other fast food shops. It simply came to my attention. I have learned to take note, something more is coming, and sure enough, a great example came in as I write this section, it goes right here. 
Every other day one of those kitchens could offer a meal for a donation, a smile or a dime, or a hundred dollar bill from a Sponsor type. Are we so rigid we can’t take care of business? This is the new frontier, how do we accomplish the makeover and bring everyone in? One way or another? We have kitchens and we have hungry people. 
Will it be a Muffler Shop or an Appliance Repair Store that will make those Forest Stoves? A muffler Shop in Cleveland and an appliance repair place in Portland, and which one in your town? (See note)
Small businesses are very flexible, have local knowledge, and contacts including Banks and Churches, Scouting and so forth. Everything needed to remodel the domestic abuse facilities, or sponsor a Renaissance Meet-Up. 
The customer base is most important, make the sponsorship of a work crew visible, similar to What Sears did here in Liberty, putting the rebuilding team’s pictures on the wall. Solicit ideas from the neighborhood as well as the customers. 
A Welcome bright ideas, evaluate them, let it shine!
B Gathering the Team and supplies.
C Create publicity around the work getting started.
Big business knows a shift is occurring. They are paying attention. Good, and they are making an effort to ‘go green.’ That is not enough. The world of Corporate ownership and profits is huge, beyond most people’s imagination, therefore the potential is huge and the possibilities for Corporate involvement are beyond our wildest dreams. Surprise us, we can wait a few days.
The most obviouse need is for quality tools and needed goods that can’t be paid for by those who need them. An example, I have cringed every time I see a door smashed in by one of our troops. We paid that soldier to kick it in, let’s help repair the door and latch. Assuming for the strength of this example, that our western door hardware is similar to what has been in use, now, if manufactures put latches and hinges out for free or so, we could fund jobs for local youth through the appropriate, “Socialist Nonprofit group.” We can’t ever remove the terror of those moments from the effected families, however we can make it clear that we wish them well. I used the word socialist to make a further point, things will move fast, push you out of our comfort zone, get used to it. 
In addition some technical schooling has to be set up at the receiving end. We have over the years helped rebuild all those neighborhoods and Cities we bombed.
Sponsorship could enable a team to form of people known to each other, and a first hand report with videos could eventually be shared at this end. While, “we were there,” we could ask what they would like most of all to know about us. It would be a chance to meet the ancestors of those who lived in the Bible Villages. Who at the plant speaks the language? Who served over there, or has relatives who live over there? “We need an Organizer to stand up right here, right now.” We are now in the habit of saying life is stranger than fiction? Right? Let’s prove it all over again. 
Let’s say we have a class A smuggler type, blood diamonds or heroin, even weapons; and he or she teams up with a Billionaire Corporate type and builds demonstration villages in especially tough spots? Even a “Hybrid crossover outfit” that would put in place replicatable local manufacturing methods, schools and so on and so on. 
Where are the retired or displaced Diplomatic types who could help sew this all together? The key here and elsewhere will be a good share of, simply looking the other way, to get it done. 
Corporate World Headquarters realizes that PR will only go so far. They watch over us in many ways. Our voting where a small percentage of profits go reveals the Green heartbeat of us consumers. These programs tell that we are still asleep, aroused, or, have just became demanding, “They are insisting we do something!” The moral of it, take part in all these programs, and add your name on the do not call list!
This time the A B and C’s of it is, “You have our money, do some great things with it.”
State and Federal Governments
Dozens of authorized programs are on the books right now that could become parts of the rebuilding program. One example would be the noxious weed removal efforts, volunteers are invited in to pull them up at both Federal and State, as well as local Parks. 
More willing hands are needed. Ask your friends and take a lunch. Then tell others how well you did. Now then, raw labor is good, however we have more than a few biology and anthropology majors stuck away in the furniture department who would love to help out, given the opportunity. 
You may be the one who is key to lining this up. Let’s do additional habitat and monitoring work, and what about fisheries? Four classmates could share a place in Chouteau Montana and check out how it goes in the Bob Marshall Wilderness area. Then write me and Outdoor Magazine about it. Many things to do at the apprentice and assistant level. (See note)
Two economies will function side by side. One is “normal,” the manufacturing and production of essentials, food stuffs, gasoline and electricity. The other part is like Earth’s salvation army, accomplishing the major work of the Global makeover, with all kinds of sharing, residences, facilities, vehicles, expenses, and land.
Governmental involvement will eventually be able to smooth the edges between these two worlds. Such a two tiered existence could continue for a generation, individuals may opt in and out several times during their lifetime.
We need to call for scholars of that flow of powers from the Federal level on down to the States, and then outward to Counties and Cities. At one point, and perhaps still, recycling businesses initiatives were prevented because of how a municipality was incorporated under State law. A new Company could not pick up the recyclable portion of the trash, depending how the City was charted. These blockades need to be identified and removed. “All for one and one for all,” in many cases will translate to a so called ‘unfair hardship.’ Many will have peace time ‘war stories’ to tell. 
Our President will eventually make the determination of the scale of this effort, its ‘official’ place in history. For a while Washington will go along without being affected. Then we can expect surprises of all kinds. Two examples will do for now.
First of all, could we see unemployment insurance adding on a modern, and massive combination of the recent Civilian Conservation Corps and the old Works Progress Administration? “You are entitled to what you put in , and then we have these work programs.” The question for the Administration would be, just how many existing domestic issues can we touch on within a Renaissance Makeover focus? 
Eventually an entire package of measures equivalent to the war powers acts of the nineteen-forties could be put in place to facilitate the placement of talent and resources that are required for the Global makeover. 
It is true that the planetary ecological issues will not bring the relative immediate bombs and invasions we feared at the beginnings of WWII. It is also true we have caused an accelerating dying back of planetary abundance and natural Robustness. 
We have traded away little pieces of our hearts and souls, lost our integrity, and our own Government built the auction house. Not done with a tyrannical bent, ignorance and self aggrandizement were enough. 
Our Veterans know somber and remorse, perhaps we can all stand together as veterans of a mistaken battle to plunder the most, and the quickest. We will have a time of years when the new, “National Disposition,” is being formed. The swing away from worshiping The Market, leaving our appetites behind, forever more and more, this period has begun? Some will welcome it’s coming, “None too soon!” And for a few, “Not in this lifetime.” (See note)
This is where the shift is becoming intense. Already State agencies have been rattled, they are now in various, ‘States of Emergency.’ The disruptions are financial at the surface, and have shaken the political process so as to bring about the opposite public mood of the one required. 
It may be that somewhere one of the States will see the Renaissance as the Light at the end of the Tunnel. 
We need folks to stop beating on the State House door and take a look at how the ReWork would help out, given the current state of affairs. We wont know how, “Official recognition,”would work out until someone takes a look, then tries it out. 
Can mandates and volunteering be a good fit?  State by State, the Governors will eventually oversee the cataloging of the major infrastructure projects and ecological rehabilitation to be undertaken. Watershed authorities could be developed between States so an entire river or watershed could be analyzed effectively. Ag Extension, Colleges and Universities, along with the pertaining environmental groups can work together to prioritize projects and determine the level of support required.
The new Burma Shave Phenomenon will be signs along the roads identifying who did the replanting, or who built the new facilities, pulled those invasive ‘weeds,’ or did the erosion control. If rapping can help with Algebra, it can help with A-Res-tor a-tion for-youuu. 
People of vision and humor, where are you? 
It is what it is. Time to simmer down and focus on achieving what is most important. “Our democracy will work it out.” We need everyone’s head in the game. Globally, we are running from the Insolvency Boogyman, a creature of our own making, we made him, we can unmake him. Such is the nature of these times. We had a good time playing $$Monopoly$$, now it is time to dust ourselves off, clean up, and move on. Our Corporate capital and individual savings are called forward, with caution. Reserves are for a rainy day. We have one. Call in the real money, this is a big fire.
An African proverb reminds us that, “It never rains on one roof alone.” 
Can the States give a Money Certificate to the two people who sign up to share a job? Could we have State sponsored, tax exempt, bartering exchanges put in place? Where is the Goodwill? Where is Hope to come from? What regulations need to be relaxed, even suspended, so that new openings appear? 
Education takes place in our communities with adults going here at night, and children attending over there, during the day. It occurs to me that we could use a course of studies that would be attended by families. Who would prepare the lesson plans, or the syllabus? This question points us in the right direction. We have talked of the easy environmental issues in our schools, never the big ones, our Planet’s serious wilting. 
Expert and scholarly voices have no pathway into our classes, nor into the instructors education, nor into City Council and County Supervisor sessions. The warnings and wisdoms now in hand are, for the most part, ignored or proudly debunked and left outside the halls of learning. 
This is not a deficiency of democracy nor our school boards. We have never posted any lookouts. Native peoples have a wisdom of a seven generation look ahead. Bad news from those few that are looking ahead for us is politicized immediately. Our culture does not honor science, not even the science and maintenance of our very own Space Ship. 
Our behavior in the face of it all, that is what we are teaching our kids. We are building what could be called The Gulf of Separated Generations. 
We adults are demonstrating the inability to learn and adapt. We are not holding the doors open to an engaging and hopeful future. I suspect we will see breakaway School-boards soon.
It is at the local level that the nuts and bolts of our lives are watched over, zoning, habitation rules, fire and health inspections, and agencies that look after the welfare of people and animals. So it would be here that Citizens are expected to speak up. They usually don’t, except for those rare issues that produce a ‘Hot Mob in your face’ type of meeting. These can lead to the proverbial baby being thrown out with the bath water.
Once we assume the community recognition of the current and ongoing Renaissance oriented programs, then local government can be approached to hold a Renaissance Forum. The objective here would be to engage the next tier of participants, those who need some assurances that, “This is the real deal.” They could learn directly from participants of the Renaissance oriented projects, what they are involved in and why.
“How can we pull this together in our City?” It may be that zoning and housing regulations could be relaxed to allow more sharing of the available spaces that have facilities for bathing and cooking, just as if we had a tornado or a flood. “Where can we put in more Community Gardens? We need more capacity to assure food supplies for our shelters and nursing homes.” Skill pools can be organized, along with support groups that would ride share to the grocery store and mall.
We might not need anyone to roll bandages, we do need help with the conservation of resources at every level. All materials that are ‘surplused’ on out into the trash, say overstocked plants from the nursery, and cutoffs at the lumber yard, should be sorted and utilized. Again, the item has value to someone, and it becomes apparent that someone is paying attention. 
A more expansive policy of carpooling may be welcomed. Farmers Markets and local festivals can get a push into a Renaissance frame mind. Local officials are used to being the authority figure, and that will continue. However two hats will come into style, one for saying no and the other for saying, “Yes,” to exceptions and precedents that would have been just too scary last year.
In Conclusion, I recently found myself explaining, “What is the main point of it ?” to a friend. I started with,“Let’s imagine that a toxic vine has invaded the woods up above our village, the spring water is going bad, and birds are dying. The Aldermen don’t have any money left after fixing the bridge. Taxes are still high as we still owe money on the clinic expansion.” “Raising taxes again wouldn’t go over to well, would it then?” I smiled and said, “That is why we are going to gather at sun up with shears and hoes and go up into the Dinglewood preserve and start cutting those vines ourselves. Even if the Town had the money, it would take at least two months to get a bid proposal issued. Can you make up some sandwiches?” 
      *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *       *
I am going to close with a vision I had while watching a recent story develop about cats and dogs being rescued from Montana, many were brought to Wayside Waifs here in Kansas City. The story was about the animals being sent from here in small groups to different shelters. Hard times equals pets left behind. It seems our no kill animal shelters are filling to overflowing. 
The person interviewed on TV about the rescue in Montana had the face of a homeless person, gaunt and bearded, or so I saw it, and then it came to me . . . 
Animal Angels coming forth, from under the bridges and down by the tracks, as well as from those heated human shelters. I saw a ‘Salvation Army’ of Bell-ringing for the Animal Angels, the wages for jobs to walk the dogs, play with the cats, and move on to grooming and veterinary assistance training, and . . . . You can easily add to this story.
These Angels can choose their hours. There is no rush. Clean clothes and beds will come. “Your dignity and our sincerest thanks await you.” I don’t know how a whole Country can make it right with any of her Throwaways, this would be a start for a few. Would you drive an Angel to work? Walk a dog with one? Even have a meal with an animal’s Angel?
Frequently Asked Questions
How will this, “Renaissance,” help with evictions and foreclosures?
The rules may be changed some more, many will be forced to improvise, move in with someone, drop down into an apartment. Cities will probably put up, or oversee, tent cities that would feature hardened kitchens and at the least bathrooms. Climate is an issue. My only suggestion within the text was that stressed properties being bought transitions into a rental unit, rent is a percent of budget, again, make every effort to avoid eviction. Cities should relax all regulations about residency, allow all innovative solutions.
Could you lay out how all this will be paid for?
Those with discretionary income, beyond essentials, will move dollars from entertainment and recreation to these Makeover projects. Corporations have cash, and could do dramatic things. The labors of Volunteers could be matched with equipment or materials. Eventually Federal spending could shift to include those Works Progress Administration and Civilian Conservation Core type programs, as offensive military spending is reduced.
Tell me again, who does what first?
Individuals will continue to take it upon themselves to, “breakout” and take action, within an existing effort, or adding something brand new.
What will your site offer?
It will offer what seems helpful at the moment. I discourage any kind of, “grand clearing house function,” however local coordination can be helpful. I will be as supportive and sharing as time allows. Again, Once the concept of a contemporary Renaissance is established, anyone anywhere, in any medium could say, “I want to pull together a Renaissance team to repair or create, “X,” “ Y,” or, “Z.”
Dear Reader, Please send in additional questions to serve as further ‘clarifiers’ of what is offered.
The Roll Out
This is added just to give you an idea of how I would give some advice to a group that was interested it helping out. This exercise in, “Looking the terrain over,” will not be relevant to everyone, many have more project experience than I do, they won’t need this kind of clarification and assistance.
It seems likely that we will see three phases of this Renaissance’s ‘Arising.’ Initially it will be the task of establishing the idea of such a makeover, combined with an educational component coming on board in support of the Renaissance concept; all being major messenger activities. The second phase will be the popping up of dozens upon dozens of new projects that support the notion of Stewardship First, renewal and conservation of all aspects of life upon our Home World. The third phase will be marked by a Global turning away from a Militarized future, followed by a long period of championing a diversity of cultural and habitation patterns. 
Will I see the day when, “A renaissance is coming!” is on the lips of all? Who knows? I do know that the day of our Planet’s sweet rapture of Harmony will come. We will dance in the streets.
All I have done to stand up in Kansas City is to teach a few Adult Ed Picture Framing classes, Billie and I did teach a “The Secret of the Secret” class at the Communiversity, however my Renaissance Arising class was dropped as only two signed up. I then went underground to complete this manuscript. So, I have no base here. In a manner of speaking, my plans are instructional to all of you standing as individuals without a ‘base of support.’
I will start with the Mayor and the newspaper here in Liberty, as well as the Liberty Landing community where Billie and I live. This task is in relation to proceeding in “Right Order,” showing respect for the Community where one lives. 
Then, as this goes out for a final review (To make it E-Book ready.) to my circle of friends, I will asses the possibility of Renaissance Arising emerging from Mid-continent, the Heartland of America, as opposed to, no offense intended, Berkeley California or Washington DC. 
This arising renaissance of modern times will either be known as emerging from the Midwestern region of America, or it will have stepped off the Internet Express. Birthing in the Heartland is my choice.
I will ask for assistance from whoever I can find here in the Kansas City Region who can stand with this concept and give it a launch, yet to be decided upon. I will post those efforts in detail as they emerge and are then put in motion. Then the world would receive a Call from the Heartland of America to join the Global Makeover, Rebuilding our Homeworld.
Helping Hands Along the Way
My parents did nothing to break my spell of wonder with the world around me. That lack of pushing resulted in my freedom to arrive before you now with this manuscript. I am equally thankful for that cosmic pin-ball machine in the sky that kept me safe, out in the current of life, moving me along to the now. 
Many have travelled with me awhile and provided assistance. First and foremost are my mates that have shared this Life with me. My wife Billie, formerly Billie J. Schupp of Kansas City is with me now as I sort this out, gather my things so to speak, and prepare these words. I also want to mention my first wife Mary A. Pacios in this same way. These two woman witnessed and participated in my living that produced this offering. They were the first to tell me, “Throw out the first two pages.” They both propped me up in various ways and heard my sermons, disappointments, and dreams.
Mary’s children, Janice, Marilyn, and Bill Taylor were dealt a tough hand by my dedication to Ecology Action and the challenges of the shift westward from proper Bostonian Schools to the Flower Child breakout of California. At this point it is fair to say I was addicted, as my choices dealt you all tough times. Poverty was a factor, we had no time, nor funds for family fun. I’m sorry for neglect and lack of Love expressed during those times.
This manuscript reflects a long affair for me. Those who spotted me early were most important. I to have a scoutmaster in my past. He saw in me more than I knew about; it was a rehearsal for a show that came years later. In the same vein I was turned loose by several teachers to complete the most unusual class projects in my own private bubble. 
I worked through my early employments with the Forest Service in California, duties with the Army in Massachusetts, and then did several rounds of door to door selling in Great Falls Montana before running back to the woods with the Forest Service in the brand new Bob Marshall Wilderness Area, in 1963 on horseback; always focused on my role as a wage earner, and still with one eye ‘looking out the window.’ 
Mom stepped in when that back-woods trip ended, sent me sample questions for the upcoming test for surveyor jobs in San Diego with CalTrans, California’s Highway building agency. Yes, employed again, this time with traffic, red cones and big stakes, instead of on foot with trees and streams and dragging a cloth tape. Then came a break of some twenty years while Ecology Action formed in Berkeley, then walked to Los Angelo; a survival walk to help kick off the first Earth Day in April of 1970. We met Lester Corn who walked with us and then took me into Gallo Wineries' offices to open up the market for recycled glass bottles. Ecology Action relocated to Modesto of the Great Central Valley to work on issues beyond Berkeley, prime farm land and water.
This move led to supportive friendships I now treasure. I’ll do my best to mention the Modesto crew in my in progress Memoir. I left EA ten years later, my son needing medical attention available to us in San Francisco. 
Years later I returned to regular employment back in San Diego as recycling staff for the County, then with private consulting firms. My places of regular employment all offered possible paths out of my deep contemplations regarding the environment. Instead I always moved on to what may have been a fresh start from a different angle. From this present vista it is easy to say I have always been coming this way. I wish to thank all who served to pass me along to “wherever Cliff is headed.” 
To all those people, from my Army buddies to work-mates in the cubicles, thank you for your role in moving me along, my thinking cap intact. I survived that fire-walk. My focus is still intact.
During the Ecology Action years we knew immediate notoriety. Volunteers joined in and “Go Money” came in the mail. I was fascinated with the dedication of the hard-left players. Peter Cameo of YSA chose me for a scouting trip regarding a planned demonstration at an upcoming convention at San Diego’s Coronado Hotel. It was to feature Viet Nam’s head of state at that moment. He was assassinated before he could get there; I returned to the tumultuous streets of Berkeley. 
Musicians helped us. Malvena Reynolds played for us at Damn DDT day in San Francisco. Later Pete Seeger read our literature and gave us a benefit in Modesto, California, as did Country Joe McDonald. When I drove Pete to his next show at UC Davis we talked of sharing, as well as auto ferries replacing bridges. We actually used two cable ferries in the San Joaquin Delta, and he made my son a bamboo flute. 
The press was always good to us. We told it straight and stood as reformers, rather than revolutionaries. We were once chosen for the cover of the New York Times Sunday Magazine,we are shown pushing a bandaged globe in a baby carriage; that article also featured the first Ecology Center, also in Berkeley. I later became a deep source for an environmental reporter at the New York Times.
While Ecology Action was establishing community recycling in 1971 Look Magazine gave us a spread in their Earth Week issue of May 4th,that year. Some weeks earlier Margaret M. McGlynn and John Vachon, a renowned WPA era photographer, did the photos for the story.
I wish I knew who sent them . . . that article did as much as anything we did to establish recycling in America. What about the editor at Look then, William B. Arthur and the entire crew that put that extraordinary issue together, did they ever understand their role in establishing basic environmental values? . . . I wish I knew. That issue sold for .35 cents a copy. Look Magazine was taken down a few months later. (Date anyone?) 
Those past regards for me allows these words to be placed out front now, for your consideration. A proposed Renaissance is probably in the same league as a seven foot toboggan was in the eighth grade!
My college classes were pivotal, one could say in divine order. Those instructors at the historic Meritt Junior College Campus where I brought up my GPA before attending UC Berkeley are still in my highest esteem. The Misters Rudolph Larlios with Anthropology, George Papas for Economics and Yale Maxim offering Political Science, I quote you all still.
A special mention for Marsh Pitman of Merced, a biology instructor, he was the only one to take me under his wing. A proofreader extroidiner. We shared lectures by Garret Hardin and Buckminister Fuller. He saw me sparkle and then fade in the 1980’s, as the environmental blossoms of the 70’s blew away. 
Another special mention for Thorn Grey of the Modesto Bee who saw to it we had a popular presence to prove out curbside recycling and raise the issue of prime farm land preservation. In those salad days in Modesto, it was EA in the streets, Peggy Mensinger on the City Council, and Thorn at the Bee.
The Berkeley Gazette gave us extensive coverage of our theatrical street demonstrations, even Time magazine picked up our pace setting Smog Free Locomotion Day. We found ourselves on the front page of the Chronicle when we symbolically unfilled, the filled-in San Francisco Bay, into money bags our son Bill Taylor found in an abandoned apartment?
This attention led to requests for manuscripts from me, a palatable shift was in the air, a very encouraging time for all. In 1969 it was Garrett De Bell, editing The Environmental Handbook an early Anthology for The Friends of the Earth, followed by Ecotactics by the Sierra Club. Next was Jacqueline Killeen with her 101 Productions in San Francisco, we did Ecology at Home in 1971, then Back to the Bike a year later.
A representative of Hubbard Scientific heard me speak at the Aspen Design Conference of 1968 in Colorado and I wrote What’s Ecology ? for them, a High School supplemental text. 
I wish to mention three more friends, for whom circumstances prevented me from realizing the full benefits of the friendship they extended me. Dr. Eugene Odum, an Ecology Professor of the University of Georgia was most kind and helpful. Dr. Lucille Green of Citizens Assembly demonstrated dedication and optimism in the face of it all, and Carl Casebolt hung on to the notion of the Churches playing a major role in restoring environmental values.
I will close with the mention of the special helpers we had in Modesto when we started our pioneering recycling programs in 1971.
The local chapter of the American Association of University Woman was very active behind the scenes, they had our backs and spread the word, some soaked the labels off their glass bottles in their swimming pool, they were the first ever to take part in a post consumer glass bottle recycling program to the best of my knowledge, and that article in Look Magazine shows Cub scouts breaking some of those early bottles on the way to Gallo Glass, right there in Modesto.
Part One, The Call
Note one, Front-piece words, from Frontpiece. These words were taken directly from the dictionary for, Renaissance and Arising.
Note two, Also by Cliff Humphrey, from Page 2. In addition I wrote many training materials for other recycling programs that were offered by parent organizations. I will continue to look for the proper name of the Ecology Action Archives at UC Berkeley. I have been told that The Berkeley Gazette that covered our many of EA’s events and Street Theater productions was sold and their archives were destroyed ?   The Modesto Bee Archives are intact.
Note three, Acknowledgments, from Page 4. See, Helping Hands Along the Way, page 91.
Note four, Formula, from Page 14. At first it was just a phrase that stuck in my mind, I will comment more about the circumstances of my being upon the slopes of Mt. Shasta in my underway Memoir. I am encouraged by that dear R-two D-two character and other successful uses of numbers in titles and names to help remember and distinguish.
Note five, Dancing in the Streets, from Page 16. This book by Barbara Ehrenreich is about the history of people expressing their collective joy. We use to dance in the streets. She is the author of fourteen books and and a contributor to Harper’s and the Nation. Her titles include the popular Nickel and Dimed, Bait and Switch, and recently Bright Sided; all acting as governors on our speeding and over achieving culture. I hold her work high and ask,”What will next precipitate our, “Goodness my, they are dancing in the streets all over town!” 
Notes, Part One, The Call, Cont.
Note six, Assassinations, from Page 16. I am aware that many readers will not have any life experience with these events, or names. 
I am asking for recommended readings for someone who was not here for these events. Even with some research on the part of young readers, it was an experience some distance from learning. Looking out at todays events gives us older ones a new look at how strong the shear was in those days.
Note seven, oikos twins, from Page 21. These two words. I have been served glazed eyes at every turn, at my efforts to explain, “now is the time to place ecology in it’s proper place, before economics, as in the dictionary. I even made up a story about Noah on the Ark, when a storm blew the pages loose and . . . well, an A for effort. Even our Presidents has felt it necessary to “point out” that their is no conflict, we shall have a strong expanding economy and a healthy ecology. Hundreds of Authors and investigators see it differently.
This is my only admission to the possibility of a “conspiracy theory” in how the world works. How can it be that the Government has plowed ahead in the face of overwhelming evidence that we have a huge disconnect here? Do you have to sign on to this “don’t rock the economic boat of everlasting growth doctrine” to serve your Country? What do you think? Who will start a message board on this?
Note eight, Altruism, from Page 22. Dr. Sorokin initiated the study of Sociology in the United States at the University of Minnesota, 1924 to 1930. He then founded the Department of Sociology at Harvard University and led it until he retired in 1959. He was elected president of the American Sociological Association in in 1965. He dedicated the last twenty years of his life to the study of altruism and love. He believed that the study of altruistic love as a science was necessary to avert worldwide chaos. 
His list of publications is massive, as is the list of works by others commenting on his observations and theories. (See Answers .com)
Note nine, Survival Appliances, from page 23. (References for each ‘Survival Appliance’ are being found.)
Note ten, Pogo, from page 25. (Researching referance)
Note, eleven, Humane, from Page 25. Dr. Margaret Mead, was a Cultural Anthropologist who some ‘credit’ with bringing the sexual mores of Samoa to the flower children of the Haight Ashberry in San Francisco. On the one hand she was a giant academic figure, and on the other a very visible commenter on the cultural events of our times. 
President Jimmy Carter awarded her posthumously the Presidential Medal of Freedom which read, “Margaret Mead was both a student of Civilization and an exemplar of it. To a public of millions she brought the central insight of cultural anthropology: that varying cultural patterns express an underlying human unity. She mastered her discipline, but she also transcended it. Intrepid, independent, plain spoken, fearless, she remains a model for the young and a teacher from whom all may learn.” (See, I am working on locating the precise ‘Humain’ reference.)
Note twelve, Maxwell Maltz, from page 26. (Writing referance)
Note thirteen, Dr. George Wald, from page 26. DR. Wald shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology for discoveries in vision with two others in 1967. He spoke on many issues, a vocal opponent of the War in Vietnam and a strong advocate for the environment. He was a mentor to Mikhail Gorbachev on environmental questions. He was often a speaker at Conferences on issues of Peace and the Environment. Two of his speeches can be read on-line: A Generation in Search of a Future and The Origin of Death, and more of his work at Wikipedia.
Part Two, Arising Now . . .
(Under construction)
Note one, from psge 28.
Page 27 Dr. Faust stands as a reminder that we do have the chance to plant our feet firmly on the right side of history and avoid becoming so entrenched in our own positions, so in love with our own blankets, that we are unable to see the bigger picture. Her publications include: 
The Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War, 2008
Mothers of Invention: Women of the Slave holding South in the American Civil War, 2004
Creation of Confederate Nationalism: Ideology and Identity in the Civil War South, 1990
James Henry Hammond and the Civil War, 1985
The Ideology of Slavery: Proslavery Thought in the Antebellum South, 1830-1860, 1981
Their is a wisdom within her writings that can point the way to the right side of history. 
Page 36
P 60  Chris Rock, heard on Ophra
Also by Cliff Humphrey
Doing Ecology Action, in Ecotactics: The Sierra Club Handbook For Environmental Activists, Pocket books, New York, April 1970
Contributor to, The Environmental Handbook, Prepared For The First National Environmental Teach in, April 22,1970, Ballantine Books
What’s Ecology, 1971, Hubbard Press, Northbrook, lll
Ecology Action, 1971, The journal of cultural transformation, Modesto, CA
Ecology at Home, 1971, 101 productions, San Francisco, CA 
Back to the Bike, 1972, 101 Productions, San Francisco, CA
The Anthropologist and Contemporary society
The Recycle Game, 1977, The Box Factory, South San Francisco, CA
This is an overlay for Monopoly, four garbage Firms compete to recycle the most, see coming site.
Animal Totem Deck with Booklet, 1998, Self Published
The University of California, Berkeley Library has compiled an Archive of Ecology Action materials.
(See note two, page 106, Also by Cliff Humphrey.) 
To the seed keepers
and all the
 world’s passionate dreamers.
May they bring us the growth that
will reveal who we really are.
Four woman saw to it that I gave this document the care required to bring it this far. They have pattie-caked it into a form to be shared. My dear mate Billie had the first few touches, then this manuscript went to our friends Deanna Swenson, Rosemarie Stinnet, and Dyan Mellow.
Billie demonstrated her editing ability with further recommended
alterations and concerns. I sat in the big chair, and now offer this 
for you to ponder. I hope to add more names as this project steps out into the full light of these challenging times.   
(See note three, page 106, Acknowledgments.) 
Author’s Forward
We are confronted with a worldwide collection of very challenging conditions. Earthquakes through oil spills, and armed criminal activities that rival revolutions in scale and results, trusted figures who have lost their way and deceived us, even robbed us, as well as demonstrated our frailties instead of the strengths and abilities that we hoped for. 
Can we grasp the silver lining so announced? What is brewing deep down within the psyche of humanity? This manuscript presents a course of positive action that is far more believable today than it would have been three or four years ago.
We are challenged to think it through as never before. A pause is called for, take the time, for you and everyone else . . . ask yourself, “How is it going on earth? . . . Where are we headed?” 
To what end are people the world over sacrificing and suffering?
It is fair to say the entire human family is under stress. We are all touched by major disagreements, and hard times that challenge family dreams and their loving cohesion. Wars, big and small, now circle the globe. We watched the financial collapse settle in upon neighbors, friends, schools and banks.
However, the glass is still at least half full for several reasons. First, It is also fair to say that thousands have chosen to show more compassion and kindness in their daily lives. Others have initiated timely activities focused on assisting others. Then we have a rare thing, the people of this Earth are all on the same page now, waiting to see what comes next. In addition the entire arc of how we live our lives and share this Planet, is now open for review. Is anyone pleased with the general welfare of our Human Family? 
We are united in our desire to improve current conditions and release new hopes and visions for a future that pulls our best from us, a future that offers our children fresh horizons and lives without fear.
We have lived our life by the options available to each one of us, by the processes and procedures administrated by our governments. It seems that our collective actions have painted us into such a corner that many are provoked into showing their worst behaviors. How can that be? Each one of us knows that we are capable of so much more. What else might we do with all the resources and time applied to violence, rioting, plotting and wars? How might we revive the spirits of those who have been struck down by circumstances beyond their control?
Accomplish a Global Makeover, of Mind and Matter. Perhaps one is already coming into view. There is good news on at least two fronts. A strong underlying desirer for positive change is coming into view. Reusable shopping bags, going green and paying it forward are some of the indications. Next, our Culture is experiencing an evolution of consciousness in and of itself, as expressed by renewed interest in the diverse spectrum of self help information, the New Physics, and renewed respect for spiritual growth and metaphysical inquireries. 
The ill will that swirls about us is to be expected as many realize dreams from yesteryear are now gone. Others are frustrated as nothing seems to get done. Can you pause a moment and consider a modern day Renaissance, and you being a contributor to it? Just how committed are we to continuing down the old path that brought us to this juncture of collapse and renewal? 
This manuscript calls for Job One. It is an undertaking that has been called for by many others in the past fifty years. We are to establish a long term balance between ourselves and this planet’s conditions of occupancy. In the past we have seemed unable to refrain from harmful and destructive practices. Now there is a shift, we have an opportunity for renewal.
Will you stand with the thousands upon thousands of people who have found new pathways into a fulfilling life? Come along and experience your heart filling with joy.
Clifford Clark Humphrey, Easter to Earth Week of 2010
Table of Contents
Dedication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .3
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Author’s Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 5
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Part One, The Call . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 12
A Formula for Success, Current Affairs
A Fresh Look, The View from Missouri 
Household Choices, Breaking Out, The Road Ahead
One More Thing 
Part Two, Arising Now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
At This Moment, Use What’s Available
Speak Up, Breath Some Fresh Air
Then, The Call Goes Out
Part Three, Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Life on Earth, Global Warming, Footprints,
Externalities, Population Draw Curve, 
Demographic Transition, Dynamic Equilibrium, 
Biogeochemical Cycles, Ecological Succession,
Loose Money
(Soon to add Zero-Sum Game, GDP, Cap and Trade
Micro &Macro, Asymmetric
Populism & Elitism, Capital Stock
and The Happy Planet Index)
Part Four, Person by Person, Acre by Acre . . . . . . . .48 
Awareness, The Work, The Politics of It, 
The Economy, Armed Conflict, 
Basic Ecology and Resources,
Sacrifices and Miracles, Class and Culture,
Religion, The Throwaways,
Music and Literature.
Part Five, Vistas of Planetary Stewardship . . . . . . . . 66
Introduction, A Diversified Web of Societies? 
Energy, International Finances, Land Use,
Water, World Law.
Part Six, Finding Your Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Messengers, Organizers, Workers,
Sponsors, Renaissance Salons,
Special Projects, Political actions
Part Seven, The Work of It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 
Students, Individuals, Community Groups, National Non
Profits, Small Businesses, Corporations, State and Federal Governments
Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Helping Hands Along the Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106
(Under construction, to be available soon.)
“Where are you?” An Open Letter to My Demographic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Roll Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mentioned Activities and Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Books of Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Web Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Recent Writings . . . . . . .  . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Peace Petition, The Springs of Hope, 
Don’t Trash the Bus on the Way  
To the Temple,
The Dropped in Poem. 
Early Writings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Declaration of Interdependence, 
Unifying Theme, Peace Essay.

1 comment:

  1. What a Magnum Opus by Cliff Humphrey, whose work at UC Berkeley, in the late 60s... led to the First Earth Day, in 1970, which also led to the creation of Richmond Environment Action in SF's Richmond District, where I got involved in 1973, a mere 41 years ago.
    "Cogito, Ergo Recyclo" as we used to and still...say.
