Greetings, Family and Friends August of 2010
Subject: Renaissance Arising by Cliff Humphrey
This Earth Day draft is now ready for a few ‘read throughs.’ Those who have read it in an earlier form, thank you for your comments. My first concern is readability, are there passages that are muddled, or the reasoning does not make any sense? In the second place, can you take the leap and see that this is a possibility? Do you feel it is emerging down within the chaos that we are experiencing these days? I will have my answer soon enough, wont I.
“My plans,” are for this to become an E-book as soon as possible. I am completing the Appendices, notes, and just now looking at layout questions. No “launch” other than releasing it locally and on the Net.
Midterm elections are about sixty days away; when I turned to this project in ernest about a year ago electoral politics were not on my radar. I’m a progressive person, with sympathy for the Libertarian point of view. I hold that this Renaissance will be born by individuals who understand that the Makeover I describe will be conceived of, and put in place by the Champions of compassion, fair play and integrity.
I don’t have any idea how it will fair on todays Partisan Divide. At this time I think that the local offices are the most important, start some new faces on the path who can understand this perspective. I do not mean to imply that Politics is irrelevant, however, to quite an extent we have been coached into an almost comfortable blind alley.
The noise and the heat, and now those ricochets, as well as the wall that fell down from all the writing upon it, all these things has shown us just how penned up we were, we are so out of here!
There is another way. The future is in our hands, to a larger extent than the political processes of today would ever allow.
These pages are offered within a specific historically charged Global circumstance. I hold that millions stand ready to join the thousands that have already stepped forward into voluntary and compassionate service. These legions will demonstrate that the Love for Life trumps all fears and schemes. They are joining the untold others who have tended to our roots, our broken bodies, knowing that someday this all would stop. The fruits of our lands will nourish a great diversity of harmonious cultures.
What is the difference, in waiting until we are taxed to fill the coffers so the Government can afford to put first things first, or with our just stepping up to plate with our teams and getting it started right now? The time will come when diplomacy and conventions, pacts and treaties will take center stage, a stage that will be put in place by the insistence of those of us that have been waiting in the wings.
Politics has become the process of speaking in falsetto, a truly nasty business. A Renaissance will reset the gauge for what rings true and solid. The truth is a simple thing, it is what it is, and we can deal with it.
We are going to dump the garbage, cut the crap, and get on with it!
Bring Love , Cliff Humphrey, son of Glean and Eunice
2253 Current
Liberty MO, 64068 816/429-5930
My E-mail is: and I am now on facebook, Look for
Renaissance Arising can be read at:
Corrections and suggestions can be mailed, phoned or E-mailed in, Your support is welcomed. Do you have experiance with E book’s?
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